
注册日期:2007-04-11 21:47:16

os_better.rar - 一份很好的操作系统课件,比较完整系统,分章节的课件,2009-03-01 20:46:40,下载18次
sltoolbox_r101.zip - sltoolbox (Statistical Learning Toolbox) organizes a comprehensive set of matlab codes in statistical learning, pattern recognition and computer vision. It includes 256 m-files in 24 categories, which are from low-level computational routines to high-level frameworks and algorithms,2007-07-14 17:27:36,下载36次
histw.zip - An alternative to Matlab s HIST, function HISTW prevents extreme values in top and bottom percentiles of an input vector affecting the histogram s scaling, obscuring location and shape of the distribution s main mass. Limits of x and y (maximum only) axes can be set, and a marker line drawn at given x position. In contrast to HIST, bin size can be explicitly specified, and relative, rather than absolute, frequencies are plotted.,2007-07-14 17:23:47,下载7次
mwm.zip - The MWM is a multiscale multiplicative data model which is able to capture not only correlation structure but also `spikiness .   Here, it is shown in comparison with a multiscale additive model which can match only the correlations,2007-07-14 17:22:05,下载5次
hmmbox_3_2.rar - Matlab toolbox for Hidden Markov Modelling using Max. likelihood EM. Prerequisites: Matlab 5.0, System Identification Toolbox, Netlab, Marbox. LAST UPDATED: 25 Feb. 2002. ,2007-07-14 17:19:34,下载51次
meanshift.rar - 详细讲解了Mean-shift的核心思想.可用于图像分割,运动目标检测,2007-07-14 17:07:25,下载375次
Adaptivemeanshiftbasedclusteringzip.zip - 一个均值漂移的VC++聚类源程序,可以试试聚类,其效果还不错.,2007-04-15 09:12:59,下载140次
ANN-and-Matlab7.rar - 这是一个神经网络的matlab源程序,希望对大家有用.,2007-04-15 09:08:28,下载33次
svm-matlab-toolbox.rar - svm matlab toolbox不错的工具箱,2007-03-18 11:27:52,下载106次

