
注册日期:2007-04-19 10:45:56

qdr2_sram.zip - qdr2 sram 在altera 平台上的实际使用,2011-01-13 14:00:19,下载16次
ddr3_altera_use.zip - altera kit gx4 上DDR3 控制器的使用,2011-01-13 13:55:10,下载20次
sdi_prj.rar - altera sdi ip core的使用例程,2011-01-13 13:50:39,下载35次
manticore.rar - 显卡中关于3D图形处理的源码,是VHDL版本的 喜欢硬件FPGA图像处理的可以看看,挺有意思,2007-04-19 15:01:45,下载95次
yuv_play.rar - 播放yuv图像序列,支持4:2:2, 4:2:0等图像序列的播放,是图像测试调试的好工具,2007-04-19 11:06:53,下载173次
Video_ADC_DAC_Test_Code.zip - hese files are for testing the Video ADC (TLV5734) and DAC THS8133 (DAC0). The ADC and DAC are tested in loop back. ,2007-04-19 11:02:43,下载6次
ADC_DAC_test_code.zip - These files are for testing the ADC (AD9240) and DAC THS8133 (DAC1). The ADC and DAC are tested in loop back. ,2007-04-19 11:01:55,下载33次
SRAM_SW_Code.zip - he Software folder contains the following files :- 1) Sram_Interface.exe ----------> EXE File 2) Sram_Interface.c ----------> C Source File,2007-04-19 11:00:34,下载4次
SRAM_HW_Code.zip - The Hardware folder contains the following files:- 1) Sram_Interface.bit -----------------> Bitstream File 2) Sram_Interface.ucf -----------------> UCF File 3) Sram_Interface.vhd -----------------> Main Entity 4) Sram_Interface_tb.vhd ------------> Test Bench 5) SRAM_RD_WR.vhd ------------> Sub Module,2007-04-19 10:59:55,下载2次
lattice_sdram_source_code.zip - lattice sdram 控制器的源码,VHDL语言编码 包括仿真文件,2007-04-19 10:51:42,下载42次

88E1111-SFP-Schematics.rar - 88e1111 千兆光电收发器原理图,推荐借鉴
SFPSerDes.rar - 光纤 收发器说明 光纤转RJ45 光纤4通道
guangxian.rar - 光纤收发器的原理图!!不错的!!!!!!
20100914.rar - ip113光纤收发器使用说明ip113光纤收发器使用说明
10-100-1000-media_converter.rar - 10/100/1000M 光纤收发器方案,以前公司的方案,有兴趣的看看
ip113f.rar - 公司ip113f光纤收发器源代码,公司解散了,现在不侵权
ks8993f.rar - 双以太网光纤,公司完整产品,protel99se 格式
optic-transceiver-schematics.rar - 快速以太网光纤收发器原理图,1*9的光模块。
快速以太网光纤收发器原理图.rar - 光端机,光纤通讯,光,快速,以太网,收发,原理图
encode_t.zip - tlk2201发射接收源码,8b10b编解码器,实现千兆速率收发。可用于视频光端机接收发射处理串并变换。
it6801.pdf.zip - it680pdf hdmirx mainmcu
IT6801_DEMOCODE_V1.27.20180510.PASS=ITE.zip - IT6801官方驱动,单片机控制,完整功能控制,可移植LINUX。
IT6801FN Datasheet v0.92.rar - IT6801FN Datasheet v0.92
IT6802 Register List Release.CSR.rar - IT6802 Register List Release.CSR
IT6802 Programming Guide (ITE).rar - IT6802 Programming Guide (ITE)
IT6802E.zip - HDMI转bt1120芯片资料,IT6802库源码文件和数据资料文件。
10GMAC.rar - 关于10G 以太网设计的资料,讲解的很详细,分享给大家
verilog-ethernet.zip - Collection of Ethernet-related components for gigabit, 10G, and 25G packet processing (8 bit and 64 bit datapaths). Includes modules for handling Ethernet frames as well as IP, UDP, and ARP and the components for constructing a complete UDP/IP stack. Includes MAC modules for gigabit and 10G/25G, a 10G/25G PCS/PMA PHY module, and a 10G/25G combination MAC/PCS/PMA module. Includes various PTP related components for implementing systems that require precise time synchronization. Also includes full MyHDL testbench with intelligent bus cosimulation endpoints.
