
注册日期:2007-05-11 15:49:44

ApiDemos.rar - android android api 使用指南 基于sdk_r04 android2.1,2010-02-27 20:08:50,下载69次
RGA_Biowaste_Game_Example_v1_0_beta_en.zip - RGA: Biowaste Game Example This C++ application demonstrates how to create a 2D mobile game for S60 devices using Real-Time Graphics and Audio (RGA) APIs. PREREQUISITES Symbian C++ basics Game Programming RGA plugin OpenC plugin,2009-01-06 19:07:21,下载9次
Open_Cpp_Memory_Game_Example_v1_0_en.zip - 使用OPEN C 开发的基于symbian os9.2的一个游戏,很适合做symbian游戏开发者参考代码,2009-01-06 18:58:37,下载5次
meaning-20060905.tar.gz - 著名的开源项目代码 ContextPhone ,主要涉及symbian S60的多媒体,网络,客户端/服务端架构,等等。代码不一定可以直接编译通过,因为有很多外加的lib。主要是可以用来参照完成某些既定的小功能。比如自启动,通讯录取对应号码联系人,发短信等。具体的可以参照里面的README。,2008-02-24 20:33:12,下载120次
OpenCFTPClientExample.rar - This C/C++ code example demonstrates porting standard C software to the S60 platform. In this example, an open source FTP library (ftplib and qftp) written in C has been ported to Open C. In addition, a simple UI has been written in Symbian C++ to provide a GUI application.,2007-08-07 17:01:47,下载140次
S60_Platform_Bluetooth_OBEX_Example.rar - This C++ code example provides a method for transferring objects or chunks of data from one device to another via the Bluetooth OBEX protocol. These chunks are typically files or other blocks of binary data. This example demonstrates how to run OBEX on top of the Bluetooth RFCOMM protocol, but OBEX can also be used with other transport media, such as IrDA and USB.,2007-08-07 17:00:12,下载63次
MMSExample.rar - This C++ example demonstrates how to create multimedia messages using the CMmsClientMtm API. Notice that some methods have changed between S60 2nd and 3rd Edition.,2007-08-07 16:58:49,下载88次
S60_Platform_DBMS_Example_v2_0.rar - The DBMS (Database Management System) example application demonstrates the usage of DBMS APIs. The example includes a bookstore database engine and a simple Avkon GUI for testing the engine.,2007-08-07 16:57:40,下载26次
S60_Platform_Camera_Example_v2_1.rar - SYMBIAN camera 样例程序如果需要了解更多或缺少什么文件可以邮件联系我,2007-08-07 16:52:15,下载230次

