
注册日期:2007-05-29 10:48:23

【数据文件】数据挖掘算法与clementine实践.rar - 【数据文件】数据挖掘算法与clementine实践,其中的配套数据。,2020-09-28 22:00:59,下载0次
数据挖掘算法与clementine实践课件.zip - 这是 数据挖掘算法与clementine实践课件 的配套 Clementine 中文教程,2020-09-28 21:53:27,下载0次 - LVQ - Learning Vector Quantization Demonstration Download xlvq Linux executable (128 kb) wlvq.exe Windows executable (152 kb) C sources, version 1.7, 2003.09.02 (144 kb) lvqd.tar.gz (130 kb) ,2008-04-14 08:53:46,下载18次 - BCView - Bayes Classifier Visualization Download xbcview Linux executable (218 kb) wbcview.exe Windows executable (196 kb) C sources, version 1.13, 2004.09.14 (175 kb) bcview.tar.gz (160 kb) ,2008-04-14 08:45:07,下载5次
apriori.tar.gz - 数学挖掘程序源码-ariori (c语言),2008-04-14 08:40:00,下载14次
clementine7.rar - 这是数据挖掘软件clementine公司的程序介绍 clementine7.2校園巡禮講義,很难得的clementine7.2中文教程,2007-06-03 09:02:05,下载19次
xyaxis.rar - 坐标曲线的编程实现 在实际应用中经常会要画各种统计图。坐标曲线图是其中比较常用的一种。而坐标曲线在各种统计图中应该算比较难画的,主要是很难将坐标值与图中的位置对应起来。我在做一个asp网站的项目中曾遇到过要画坐标曲线,由于没有易用免费的控件可用,只好自己来实现。因此对画坐标曲线有了一点心得。 ,2007-06-03 08:45:01,下载143次
dic1.rar - 关联规则5 DIC (Download) This implementation is based on the Dynamic Itemset Counting (DIC) algorithm (cfr. Brin et al., 1997). The implementation contains no additional optimizations ans seems to perform worse than Apriori on almost all datasets I have tested on. All suggestions or comments are welcome. ,2007-06-03 08:38:33,下载16次
ndi1.rar - 关联规则4 NDI (Download) This implementation is based on the NDI algorithm (Calders and Goethals, 2002). Several optimizations have been added, such as a fast algorithm for the inclusion-exclusion (see Calders and Goethals, KDID 2005). The tar-ball contains the original breadth-first implementation, but also a depth-first implementation of the basic NDI algorithm (Calders and Goethals, SDM 2005). Note, however, that this depth-first implementation does not use the generalized diffsets as described in the latter paper. ,2007-06-03 08:37:21,下载4次
pairmining1.rar - 关联规则3 Rank-correlated set mining (Download) This implementation is based on the rank-correlated set mining technique for numerical attributes as described in the paper "Mining rank-correlated sets of numerical attributes" (Calders, Goethals, Jaroszewicz, 2006). ,2007-06-03 08:35:47,下载5次
rules1.rar - 关联规则程序2 This implementation generates association rules, based on the Apriori algorithm (cfr. Agrawal et al.,1995). It takes as input a file of frequent sets in the format such as generated by the previous implementations. ,2007-06-03 08:32:31,下载17次
eclat1.rar - 关联规则程序1 This implementation is based on the Eclat algorithm (cfr. Zaki et al., 1997). Several optimizations have been added such as the use of diffsets. ,2007-06-03 08:30:53,下载28次

javaswingsrc.rar - 《Java Swing图形界面开发与案例详解》全书随书源码
WindowsFormProgrammingwithCsharpchenying.rar - Windows Forms Programming with C#代码Windows Forms Programming with C#代码
VS2010-MFC(1-55).rar - 鸡啄米的VS2010/MFC编程入门教程(Word版),描述C++ MFC开发的一般过程,十分适合初学者熟悉MFC(转自鸡啄米)以及VS2010平台。
图形用户界面的设计.rar - java中图形用户界面的设计
Visual C++图形用户界面开发指南.zip - Visual C++图形界面开发指南,是一款面向初学者学习C++界面的的指导教材,内附代码! - weka入门学习中用到的银行数据,里面有600个实例,用于分类、聚类、回归或这关联规则 初入门试用。
