
注册日期:2007-07-03 11:42:22

KT603C PTUF1FS语音模块辅助工具资料.zip - KT603C PTUF1FS语音模块辅助工具资料,用于测试,调试语音模块,2020-05-05 15:10:18,下载0次
KT603C PTUF1FS语音模块UART测试指令表.rar - 语音模块测试相关指令说明,KT603C PTUF1FS语音模块UART测试指令表_TF_U_FLASH_支持KT540B和KT603C方案,2020-05-05 15:06:12,下载0次
matrix.rar - 根据测试流程发不同的矩阵数据,实际数组根据需求重新排序,2019-03-01 14:10:48,下载0次
Dwin.rar - 迪文屏串口程序,自己写,可以移植,用于STM32F1xx系列ARM,可以方便移植使用。,2015-09-16 09:38:43,下载181次
GateDriver.rar - actel fpga fusion kit 操作端口,2011-08-31 11:40:17,下载9次
ExternSRAM.rar - actel fpga fusion kit操作外部sram程序,2011-08-31 11:39:03,下载13次
DoubleRAM.rar - actel fpga kit 双端口RAM 实验,2011-08-31 11:36:44,下载14次
ADC.rar - actel fpga kit 使用的模数转换程序,2011-08-31 11:32:29,下载9次
FlashROM.rar - actel fpga fusion kit 使用的flashrom操作,2011-08-31 11:29:04,下载31次
SPIFlash_Emulation_Fusion_DF.zip - actel的SPI功能模块,可以控制存储器,2011-06-25 19:45:08,下载16次
LM3s_int_demo.rar - luminary micro 公司的cortex-m3系列arm移植比较方基本会C 就能玩转此为加入中断例程可以了解一下,2009-11-04 10:08:30,下载4次
Uart_Driver_May11.rar - lm3s5749_ARM串口收发,通过模块化加入各个功能模块就可快速实现各种功能,2009-11-04 09:55:54,下载7次
PUSH.rar - 89c58接受PC窜口目标信号,驱动步进,24个目标档位。,2007-07-07 22:12:39,下载8次
smd(a)motzwjg.rar - 用KEIL 开发,和编码器相连,进行对步进电机及电磁阀的控制,2007-07-03 12:47:22,下载36次
pcl720xp.rar - 如何在WINDOWS 2000/WINDOWS XP中对硬件端口进行操作的测试程序,2007-07-03 12:36:38,下载34次
Scan_T.rar - 自己写的一个对PC并口进行的操作程序,以及对数据的读入后,进行的波形显示。(需要硬件支持 D24/56 PCI i/o接口板),2007-07-03 12:29:24,下载105次
lcySZVC++6.0.zip - 对PC声卡进行操作,可以修改程序实现A/D转换功能,2007-07-03 12:25:05,下载132次

Y258E00019e-Technical-Product-Information-LSU4.2. - The wide band lambda sensor LSU is a planar ZrO2dual cell limiting current sensor with an integrated heater. It is used to measure the oxygen content and the λ-value of exhaust gases in automotive engines (gasoline and diesel). Its monotonic output signal in the range of λ=0.7 to air makes the LSU capable of being used as an universal sensor for λ=1 measurement as well as for other λranges.
Y258E00015e-Technical-Product-Information-LSU4.9. - The wide band lambda sensor LSU is a planar ZrO2dual cell limiting current sensor with an integrated heater. It is used to measure the oxygen content and the λ-value of exhaust gases in automotive engines (gasoline and diesel). Its monotonic output signal in the range of λ=0.65 to air makes the LSU capable of being used as an universal sensor for λ=1 measurement as well as for other λranges.
LPS25HB.zip - 微型压力传感器LPS25HB驱动,stm32环境,亲测可用
STM32+定时器+ADC+DMA+双缓冲 实现数据采集.rar - STM32+定时器+ADC+DMA+双缓冲 实现数据采集
战舰:六路ADC+DMA传输.zip - STM32用6路adc采集数据,结合DMA方式
Gas Sensor.zip - STM32中基于DMA的ADC采样实例之MQ-2烟雾传感器
ADC DMA 串口发.rar - STM32_ADC+DMA功能代码,测试可用
ADC实验.zip - STM32系列通用的ADC例程,需要用到ADC的可以使用。
程序.zip - stm32+风速风向的测量,通过模拟量输入经过adc转换,测量风速及风向
SPWM+PWM+ADC.zip - STM32的ADC采集用DMA模式采集电压并显示在oled屏上
STM32 12通道ADC_DMA -.zip - STM32多通道AD采集,基于DMA,对模拟采集有参考价值
新建 WinRAR ZIP 压缩文件.zip - 多通道ADC采集,滤波效果明显,适合STM32相关系列,兼容性高
STM32_ADC_RTC_2Msps.zip - 实现32单片机ADC的2M高速多通道采集
LSU-ADV-Product-Info-Gasoline.rar - The wide band lambda sensor LSU ADV is a planar ZrO2 dual cell limiting current sensor with an integrated heater. It is used to measure the oxygencontent and the λ-value of exhaust gases of combustion engines. The LSU ADV has been designed and tested only for use in the exhaust gas system of combustion engines.
ZrO2_____.rar - 这是ZrO2的一个例程,对研究氧气传感器的童鞋,会是一个不错的例子
ZrO2.rar - 氧气含量测试板pcb+程序,keil下C编程。。。。。。
meter.rar - 用于工业氧化锆测氧量的上位软件,实现氧量量程的自动校正,温度校正。实时显示温度曲线
nlin.zip - BP神经网络的氧化锆氧量计的非线性补偿算法
software.rar - 二氧化锆氧气传感器的氧气含量测量程序(此程序已经应用到产品)
STM32 modbus源码Demo Modbus_RTU Slave2012 1128.rar - STM32 modbus源码Demo Modbus_RTU Slave
