
注册日期:2007-08-03 15:04:07

rome-samples-0.9-src.zip - It is used to explain how to use R,2007-08-03 15:20:26,下载3次
textclient.zip - textclient is used to Test chatserver,2007-08-03 15:18:39,下载5次
chatroomserver.zip - he source code for this package is located in src/ directory. The JAIN-SIP-SERVICES is a JAIN-SIP application: it does not need proprietary nist-sip classes in addition of those defined in JAIN-SIP 1.1, you can substitute the NIST-SIP stack by another JAIN-SIP-1.1 compliant stack and it should interoperate.,2007-08-03 15:17:40,下载17次
jain-sip-appserver.tar.gz - First of all, the Applet-phone is a SIP User-Agent with audio and text messaging capabilities. But i s also embedded in an applet where you can use it as usual if your firewall allow you to use the UDP transport. If not, you can use TCP to carry your voice in a voice messaging fashion. Your voice is recorded and encoded locally then sent as a message, decoded and played back by your peer. Voice messaging allow you to go through any firewall, so that you can continue to chat and talk with your friends from an applet !,2007-08-03 15:15:12,下载101次
jain-sip-presence-proxy.zip - The source code for this package is located in src/gov/nist/sip/proxy. The proxy is a pure JAIN-SIP application: it does not need proprietary nist-sip classes in addition of those defined in JAIN-SIP 1.1, you can substitute the NIST-SIP stack by another JAIN-SIP-1.1 compliant stack and it should interoperate. he proxy can act as presence server and be able to process NOTIFY and SUBSCRIBE requests. If this parameter is disabled, the proxy will simply forward those kind of requests following the appropriate routing decision. ,2007-08-03 15:09:00,下载68次

