
注册日期:2007-08-19 13:36:06

Morph.rar - vc++数字图像处理-数学形态学方法完整工程代码。,2008-03-18 14:41:59,下载10次
EdgeContour.rar - vc++数字图像处理-图像边缘检测完整工程文件。,2008-03-18 14:41:25,下载11次
ImageCoding.rar - vc++数字图像处理-数字图像编码,包含完整工程文件。,2008-03-18 14:40:52,下载8次
xibaoshibietongjixitong.rar - 细胞识别和计数系统,包含完整vc++工程。,2008-03-18 14:38:33,下载15次
renlianjiancexitong.rar - 人脸检测系统完整源代码,包含vc++工程。,2008-03-18 14:37:40,下载69次
vvis-0.2.tar.gz - vvis a volume rendering program providing several display algorithms like the texture method, shear-warp, and raycasting.,2007-09-26 16:23:03,下载123次
frog3d-0.5.tar.gz - Frog3d (Free Rendering Object Graphic 3D) is a 3ds file viewer. it is writen in C++ and use QT for the GUI and OpenGL for the rendering,2007-09-26 16:21:34,下载53次
libvd.tar.gz - This a very simple OpenGL visualization library with a 3D and 4D volume renderer. It can easily be reused in other projects (e.g. with medical volumes). It is just perfect for learning or great if you like to hack your own code.,2007-09-26 16:20:35,下载33次
c-ray-v1.1.tar.gz - C-ray is a volume raycasting software optimized for Cell Broadband Engine. It is aimed at achieving interactive volume rendering on a very large volumetric data by taking advantage of all the strong features of the Cell B.E.,2007-09-26 16:13:16,下载55次 - V3D-Viewer is a Dicom and "Philips V3D 3DRA" Medical Volume Viewer based on .Net and the VTK library. With marching cubes, 3d planes and (3D texture) volume rendering, including histogram transparency and intensity curve selection tool.,2007-09-26 16:10:46,下载240次

近期下载 - 类似暴风影音Windows Media Player
Player.rar - 一个基于Windows Media Player的播放器
PLAYA.rar - VC++编写的MP4 媒体播放器支持播放器基本操作功能
92874189.rar - 自己作的一个MP4播放器 大部分MP4 可以播放 里面是源代码
mepeg_4player.rar - 该系统是MEPG_4影片专用的播放器,它整合了一个编码解码器,不再需要Windows的媒体播放器就可以播放,并具有如下功能:网络播放、更换外皮、播放字幕、全屏幕播放和桌面播放等功能。
mp4.rar - MP4 播放器源代码 VC++ 编写,The Core Pocket Media Player
windowsmediaplayer9sdk.rar - windows media player 9 sdk
mp4Topng.rar - Opencv读取视频然后保存成图片格式(视频图片格式可以任意选择)
Linux-UNIX系统编程手册 - 中文版 高清文字版, 有目录, 希望大家能有所收获
More Effective - 参考经典C++书籍More Effective C++
Scott Meyers - More Effective Cpp.gz - Scott Meyers - More Effective C++
Effective_STL_[ - C++入门书籍《Effective_STL_[C++_standard_library》 - effective c++中文版(第三版),侯捷译
Effective C++中文.zip - 有人说C++程序员可以分为两类,读过Effective C++的和没读过的。世界项级C++大师scott Meyers成名之作的第三版的确当得起这样的评价。当您读过《Effective C++:改善程序与设计的55个具体做法(第3版)(中文版)(双色)》之后,就获得了迅速提升自己C++功力的一个契机
Effective.C++.中文版(第3版).rar - effective C++中文版,对C++有着非常好的讲解,能解决很多C++编程问题
Effective-ModernC++完整版.zip - Effective Modern C++完整版,内容为C++11和C++14
Effective C++中文第三版.rar - Effective C++中文第三版 电子版
Effective C++中文版(第三版).zip - Effective C++中文版(第三版)
Scott Meyers:More Effective - Scott Meyers:More Effective C++ (中文版 侯捷译)
Effective_C++.rar - 经典c++教程 effective c
