
注册日期:2007-09-18 18:31:34

VisualCPlusPluscode.rar - 利用MFC开发界面。《Visual C++界面编程技术》的源代码。,2009-09-29 18:51:04,下载104次
COM.rar - COM的学习,对初学COM的人来说是非常好的教材。声明,此内容为本人从网上整理,希望能有用。,2008-08-17 22:55:42,下载35次
FingerPrintSource.rar - 一些指纹识别的资料,里面有PBA,LOGO,单一登陆等内容。,2008-08-10 21:15:17,下载97次
FingerPrintSource_1.rar - 这些内容是一些与指纹识别有关的东西,全是从国外的网站上找的。,2008-08-10 20:24:42,下载2次
FingerPrintSource_0.rar - 这些内容是一些与指纹识别有关的东西,全是从国外的网站上找的。,2008-08-10 20:16:45,下载27次
Working+Effectively+with+Legacy+Code.rar - Is your code easy to change? Can you get nearly instan eous feedback when you do change it? Do you understand it? If the answer to any of these questions is no, you have legacy code, and it is draining time and money away from your development efforts. In this book, Michael Feathers offers start-to-finish strategies for working more effectively with large, untested legacy code bases. This book draws on material Michael created for his renowned Object Mentor seminars: techniques Michael has used in mentoring to help hundreds of developers, technical managers, and testers bring their legacy systems under control.,2008-06-08 20:27:45,下载6次
directx_src.rar - directx特效游戏程序设计源代码.对正在学习游戏编程的人有一定的帮助。,2008-06-08 20:14:59,下载88次
how_to_use_the_VS.rar - 这本书教会你怎样在.NET下高效的编程.这本书汇集了Visual Studio.NET中最普遍,最常用的技巧,2008-06-08 20:06:23,下载14次
Pro.C.Sharp.2008.and.the.NET.3.5.Platform.Fourth.E - Pro C# 2008 and the NET 3.5 Platform Fourth Edition,一本绝好的英文书,呵呵,E文不错的人可以学习学习.,2008-06-08 19:59:37,下载12次
Apress.Pro.C.Sharp.with.dot.NET.3.0.Special.Editio - ProC# with.NET 3.0 英文的pdf,2008-06-08 19:54:58,下载2次
3DGame_Src.rar - 翁云兵著,但其中绝大部分的内容来源于他翻译的另一本书(Introduction to Game Programming with DirectX 9.0),书中的源代码也来自于这本外文书.对初学D3D的人来说源代码是最好不过的参考资料了.,2008-06-08 18:22:12,下载28次
shenruqianchuMFC.rar - 《深入浅出MFC》上的源代码。虽然.NET出现了,但很多时候还是得要用到MFC的,因此,学习一下MFC,了解一些机制能提高自己的编程水平。,2008-05-04 19:23:37,下载69次

