
注册日期:2007-09-25 09:45:47

SRC011_wavelet_inter.rar - 基于小波的图像插值研究。借助图像的小波变换,利用图像小波分解后高低分辨率子带之间存在的相似性,由低分辨率子带插值近似高分辨率子带,得到比原图像分辨率高的图像。,2007-11-30 11:42:48,下载141次
SRC010_networks_bp_c3.rar - bp神经网络的C实现源码。用C语言实现神经网络设计,适用于多输入节点情况,神经网络的册数根据需求可以设置。,2007-11-30 09:18:59,下载10次
SRC009_wavelet_strethen.rar - 利用小波变换实现图像增强的算法。针对含有微弱纹状物或点状物的图像,对这些微弱纹状物进行自适应放大,加大其对比度,从而达到增强的目的。,2007-11-29 15:53:25,下载67次
SRC008_wavelet_interpolation.rar - 利用小波变换更好地放大图像,该算法是先构造一个用Besov范数估计图像正则性的变分泛函,然后在小波域中最小化变分泛函得到放大图像。小波变换后的高频分量具有丰富的细节边缘信息,因而能够重构出高质量的图像,而且文中新算法具有运行时间短、速度快的特点。,2007-11-29 15:16:15,下载54次 - 使用Keil 51编写的基于LPC214x芯片的USB通讯例程。,2007-11-01 20:26:14,下载31次
SRC006_TestUsb.rar - 这是使用C#编写的对USB设备进行测试的一个小工程,希望对使用C#语言进行USB开发的编程人员有帮助。,2007-11-01 20:05:13,下载181次
SRC005_VCPTest.rar - This a simple example using MFC to show users how to open, setup, read and write a FTDI chip using the VCP driver and serialAPI.Power management has been implemented in the application.,2007-11-01 20:02:32,下载52次
SRC004_ST_232_245.rar - 这是使用C++ Builder编写的将USB通讯转换为RS232和RS245的例程,借助于RS232/245,可以实现USB通讯。,2007-11-01 20:00:47,下载15次
SRC003_ST232R.rar - 这是使用C++ Builder编写的针对ST232芯片编写的通讯程序,借助虚拟RS232技术实现USB通讯的源程序例程。,2007-11-01 19:58:46,下载13次
SRC002_FT2232CTestApp_sources.rar - This an application for using RS232 technique to configuring, serialising and testing communication functionality in FT8U232AM, FT8U245AM, FT232BM, and FT245BM designs. The application maintains data which describes USB devices and formats it so that it can be programmed into the EEPROM over USB. ,2007-11-01 19:56:55,下载32次
SRC001_D2XXAPP.rar - FTD2XXST.exe is an application for configuring, serialising and testing communication functionality in FT8U232AM, FT8U245AM, FT232BM, and FT245BM designs. The application maintains data which describes USB devices and formats it so that it can be programmed into the EEPROM over USB. Configurable parameters include the Vendor ID (VID), Product ID (PID), device description, and manufacturer name. User’s of FTDI devices can use their own VID and PID, FTDI’s VID with their own unique PID, or the default FTDI values.,2007-11-01 19:53:47,下载57次

