
注册日期:2007-10-08 13:50:55

openfans2.rar - openfans 0.1 using: eclipse, maven, spring, hibernate, mysql,common-validator,sitemesh..... Introduction ============ 提供web2.0应用的基本模型,能够方便的在各个领域使用 Getting Started =============== 需要下载maven,,如果初次使用maven,配置好后,运行mvn install 如果使用eclipse,在项目根目录,运行mvn eclipse:eclipse(如初次使用,会花较长时间到网上下载plugin和jar,建议去喝杯咖啡) 使用mvn test运行所有测试,mvn package打包 有任何问题请到,2007-10-08 14:33:32,下载36次 - Lucene is an Open Source, mature and high-performance Java search engine. It is highly flexible, and scalable from hundreds to millions of documents. Luke is a handy development and diagnostic tool, which accesses already existing Lucene indexes and allows you to display and modify their contents in several ways: browse by document number, or by term view documents / copy to clipboard retrieve a ranked list of most frequent terms execute a search, and browse the results analyze search results selectively delete documents from the index reconstruct the original document fields, edit them and re-insert to the index optimize indexes and much more... ,2007-10-08 14:29:43,下载142次
local-lucene.tar.gz - Local Lucene ==================== Provide geographical based searching to lucene in an efficent mannor Contents * Compiling from Source * Using local lucene Author: Patrick O Leary email: A white paper on local lucenes usage is available,2007-10-08 14:28:08,下载10次 - Abstract The Lucene Server project is an attempt to extend the Jakarta Lucene tool with server capabilities. Lucene is a robust Java API that enables you creating indexes from text sources and perform powerful searches on these indexes. With Lucene, creating an index must be done programmatically and there are almost no possibilities of integrating index management in a distributed environment. In other words, out of the box, Lucene is suitable for integrating indexing and searching possibilities in a single application but not for providing index/search services for multiple applications. The Lucene Server project comes with a Java API that propose the following make it easy to create indexes in a declarative way by simply providing an XML configuration document. make it easy to personalize the way Lucene must handle different kind of data sources. provide services for index management and searching that can be accessed from several applications. enable batch tasks scheduling. ,2007-10-08 14:25:40,下载7次 - Mysoo 网络时代,人人都可以拥有的站内搜索引擎! 小强拥有一个自己的娱乐门户网站,而且有不错的访问量,Alexa排名也蒸蒸日上,几年前小强就已经采用了专业的CMS和BBS系统,最近更是采用了Blog、eShop,甚至是时下如火如荼的Web2.0等技术来武装他的站点,2007-10-08 14:16:31,下载94次
safmq.src.0.5.gz - 一个简单实用的开源C++消息中间件SAFMQ - [软件开发] - [开源 消息中间件 SAFMQ ] 2006-11-23 在很多网络应用中,尤其那些服务器有时不在线的应用中,将客户端的数据变更按照产生顺序同步到服务器的操作是比较复杂的。为了解决这种问题,可以采用消息中间件产品(例如Windows的MSMQ还有IBM的MQ),但是这种产品比较庞大而且花费不少,对于小规模应用而言没有必要。 SAFMQ(全称为Store and Forward Message Queue)是一个简单的消息中间件,采用C++编写,采用Apache授权机制。截至2006年11月SAFMQ的的版本为0.5.2,发布于2006年9月。目前版本具有如下的功能: 1. 提供多队列、多优先级的消息转发服务。 2. 支持文本、二进制的消息类型。 3. 支持转发功能,即多个消息中间件之间的消息转发。 4. 支持事务操作 5. 支持Java、PHP客户端 6. 支持SSL加密 7. 支持用户权限 8. 支持对消息的标记 9. 支持TTL(Time To Live)时间戳,2007-10-08 14:12:02,下载81次
Lua.rar - 走近Lua lua ppt Lua是一种脚本编程语言,于1994年,由巴西里约热内卢天主教大学的研究人员设计开发,“Lua”这个名字是葡萄牙语单词 “月亮”。 与一般脚本语言如 PHP、Perl、JavaScript 等不同,Lua被称为是一种嵌入式 脚本语言,Lua最著名的应用是在暴雪公司的网络游戏 魔兽世界 中。 Lua最引人注目的特点: 以极小 的体积和简单 的语法提供相对全面的功能。 以简洁 的API实现与宿主语言最方便 的接口。 ,2007-10-08 14:03:52,下载139次
Trie-Double-Array-Trie.rar - 基于双数组Trie(Double-Array Trie)的词典查询算法 PPT,2007-10-08 14:01:22,下载232次

