
注册日期:2007-10-09 14:27:39

waveletIn_VC.rar - 基于visual studio开发的经典小波变换的VC代码,很实用。,2008-09-08 18:07:25,下载4次
gaborfilterInMatlab.rar - 图象gabor变换的matlab代码,含有3种gabor变换的代码,2008-09-08 18:04:21,下载22次
wavelet-matlab.rar - 图像小波变换matlab代码,含有测试图象和使用说明,2008-09-08 18:01:29,下载37次
invariantMomentShapeDetection.rar - 根据:基于不变矩特征和神经网络的图像模式模糊分类 论文 在matlab上做的实验,有7个不变矩生成和神经网络分类的代码,还要论文原文,2008-09-08 17:56:15,下载287次
general_hough_transform_shape_detection.rar - 根据:一种可识别破碎图形的特殊广义Hough变换方法 论文,在matlab上做的实验源码,有模版生成,广义哈夫变换代码,2008-09-08 17:51:51,下载302次
image_process.rar - This file include some image process program: void ImResize(IMAGEDATA *pRtImg, IMAGEDATA *pSrImg, int nFixSize) bool CalMoments(float Moments[7], IMAGEDATA *pSrImg) void RGB2Gray(IMAGEDATA *pRtImg, IMAGEDATA *pSrImg) void Im2Bw(IMAGEDATA *pRtImg, IMAGEDATA *pSrImg) float Graythresh(IMAGEDATA *pImgData) void MomentInvar(double Moments[7], IMAGEDATA *ret) bool CalGabor(float Gabor[32], IMAGEDATA *pSrImg) void TexGabor(float Gabor1[MM*NN],float Gabor2[MM*NN],IMAGEDATA *przImg) int FloatSearch(MATRIX *pData, int *nLabels, int d, int delta, int r, TSubset *bset) ,2007-10-09 16:30:39,下载51次
DCT_transform.rar - This file include the DCT and IDCT transform of an image. void show_DCT( void ) void DCT_8x8( float* data ) void IDCT_8x8( float* data ) void BDCT( float* input,int rows,int cols ) void BIDCT( float* input,int rows,int cols ) void get_8x8DCT( float* output, int pos_y, int pos_x, float* image, int rows, int cols ) void set_identity( float* data, int size, bool flag ) float* mult_8x8( float*data1,float*data2 ) float* sm_mult_8x8( float *C1, float *A, float *C2 ) float* add_8x8( float*data1,float*data2 ) void initial_fast() void close_fast() void get_fast_8x8DCT_sparse( float* output, int pos_y, int pos_x, float* input, int rows, int cols ) void get_fast_8x8DCT( float* output, int pos_y, int pos_x, float* input, int rows, int cols, bool sparse ) ,2007-10-09 15:04:55,下载42次
image_comparaison.rar - This file include how to compute the PSNR between two images.,2007-10-09 14:58:27,下载55次
image_spatial_process.rar - image preprocessing for JPEG compression. This file include: void filter2() void get_8x8() void set_8x8() void sym_extension() void zero_extension() void peri_extension() void get_middle(),2007-10-09 14:53:54,下载4次
input_output_image.rar - preprocessing for image quantization. This file include: void get_bmp() void put_bmp() void float_to_unchar() void unchar_to_float() void get_QT() void quantization_constraint(),2007-10-09 14:48:51,下载5次

