
注册日期:2007-10-12 18:09:26

iSnamp-guide.rar - iSnamp是宁波中科集成电路设计中心无线通信事业部在Snamp基础上研发的新一代无线传感器网络可视化系统,该系统能够从传感器网络的汇聚(sink)节点获得传感器网络的数据包。,2007-10-18 13:57:28,下载58次
15.4Demo.rar - 本文详细介绍如何使用GAINZ节点和我们开发802.15.4协议组网演示Demo实现无线通讯功能的过程。涉及到AVR单片机的编译器WINAVR,烧写软件Avr studio以及AVR系列单片机的烧写器,本文介绍如何使用Avr studio 和烧写器将WINAVR编译后产生的hex文件存入单片机flash的过程。这个过程完成以后,就可以组织一个小规模的单跳网络,通过SNAMP后台可以看到网路的可视化效果。 ,2007-10-18 13:55:15,下载21次
multihopDemo.rar - 本文详细介绍如何使用GAINS节点和我们开发的多跳路由协议的代码实现无线通讯功能的过程。涉及到avr单片机的编译器winavr,烧写软件avr studio以及avr系列单片机的烧写器,本文介绍如何使用avr studio 和烧写器将winavr编译后产生的hex文件存入单片机flash的过程。这个过程完成以后,就可以组织一个多跳的网络,通过SNAMP后台可以看到网络的可视化效果。,2007-10-18 13:51:30,下载21次
MACDemo.rar - 本文详细介绍如何使用GAINS节点和我们开发的MAC协议的代码实现无线通讯功能的过程。涉及到avr单片机的编译器winavr,烧写软件avr studio以及avr系列单片机的烧写器,本文介绍如何使用avr studio 和烧写器将winavr编译后产生的hex文件存入单片机flash的过程。这个过程完成以后,就可以组织一个小规模的单跳网络,通过SNAMP后台可以看到网路的可视化效果。 ,2007-10-18 13:49:37,下载18次
Oscilloscope.rar - The plotform is TinyOS. This configuration describes the Oscilloscope application, * a simple TinyOS app that periodically takes sensor readings * and sends a group of readings over the UART. The default * sensor used is the Photo component. This application uses * the AM_OSCOPEMSG AM handler.,2007-10-18 13:33:26,下载4次
SenseToLeds.rar - The plotform is TinyOS. When the clock fires, this application reads the light sensor * and displays the higher 3 bits of the ADC readings to LEDs. * * This application behaves the same as Sense in Lesson 2 however, * it is built simply by wiring MAIN, ClockC, Photo, IntToLeds * and SenseToInt components together.,2007-10-18 13:31:55,下载4次
Sense.rar - The platform is TinyOS. It periodically samples the photo sensor and displays the highest 3 bits of the raw ADC light reading to the LEDs, with RED being the most signficant bit and YELLOW being the least significant bit.,2007-10-18 13:30:26,下载4次
Blink.rar - The platform is TinyOS. Blink is a basic application that toggles the leds on the mote * on every clock interrupt. The clock interrupt is scheduled to * occur every second. The initialization of the clock can be seen * in the Blink initialization function, StdControl.start(),2007-10-18 13:28:42,下载7次
javadoc.zip - 本书详细介绍的jave语言的语法,及基本应用实例,适用于初学者.,2007-10-18 13:18:54,下载13次

