
注册日期:2007-10-13 11:21:09

drop_target_Dlg.zip - You imagine? Right, there s more than one possibility, this time I ll give you tree. One for your private data, one for the common data in order to receive data from other applications like Excel, WinWord etc. and at last, I ll give you a handy-dandy class you can derive ANY MFC object from, to make it a drop target,2007-10-24 20:30:06,下载8次
WinSniff_src.zip - This article describes a sniffer for Windows. WinSniff is an application for capturing packets on the network. It displays all the packets that are transmitted on the local network and gives detailed information about each header in the packet. In order to keep it simple, I am not dealing with application level protocols. If you are interested, you can add features to support various application level protocols such as SMTP, FTP, NETBIOS etc,2007-10-24 20:21:19,下载9次
rawsocket_src.zip - 如何自己封装IP头用raw socket来实现ip报文的发送,2007-10-24 20:16:45,下载102次
IPV6-UDPSend.rar - IPV6实现UDP报文发送小Demo,附tpipv6头文件,在vc6.0环境下通过测试。,2007-10-24 20:07:04,下载158次
listen.rar - 以原始套接字的方式 截获流经本机网卡的IP数据包 测试可以正常运行.,2007-10-13 11:28:16,下载9次

