
注册日期:2007-11-07 04:42:05

LearnObjectiveContheMac.pdf.zip - This book teaches you the Objective-C language and introduces you to its companion, Apple’s Cocoa toolkit. Cocoa is written in Objective-C and contains all the elements of the Mac OS X user interface, plus a whole lot more. Once you learn Objective-C in this book, you’ll be ready to dive into Cocoa with a full-blown project or another book such as Learn Cocoa on the Mac or Begin- ning iPhone Development, both by Dave Mark and Jeff LaMarche (Apress 2009).,2009-12-26 09:23:31,下载16次
eclipse-iphone-cdt.rar - 本书介绍如何在windows 或linux 环境下用eclipse开发iPhone应用程序。实为没有Apple MacOs 操作系统人员的有用资料。,2009-11-07 21:53:53,下载107次
BeginnngiPhonedevelopmentchineseversion.rar - 本书将带你走上创建iPhone应用程序的大道。我们的目标是让你通过初步学习,理解iPhone 应用程序的运行方式和构建方式。,2009-11-07 21:31:02,下载3次
RIMChatsrc.rar - A java-rmi chat-room,instant messaging is one particular application in a broader class of applications known as presence-based applications. Presence-based applications are inherently distributed applications that build on the notion of a user’s (or computer’s) virtual presence in a particular network context. While most popular instant messaging systems (AIM, Yahoo, MSN) are proprietary implementations1, conceptually they are very similar.,2009-09-25 11:01:11,下载19次
CiscoCCNAtest.rar - Cisco CCNA 最新真题,内含50题,共17页。,2009-05-26 09:11:44,下载5次
ApplyingUML.rar - 一本软件设计方法(统一建模,包括UML和模式应用)的chm格式电子书。,2009-03-20 09:44:38,下载7次
chess.zip - Animation of the moves. Functional Chess Clock. Private chat with the opponent during a game. Observing live games,2009-03-12 08:22:23,下载12次
Chatroom.rar - chatClient.java, chatServer.java, chatHandler.java,2009-03-12 08:16:04,下载30次
CompleteSudokuGame.rar - The Source Code of Solving the Sudoku Game. ,2008-02-21 21:31:51,下载7次
breakout.rar - Breakout game,It was developed by Bluej.If somebody wanna learn Bluej GUI,it is a very useful example to follow.,2007-11-07 04:50:08,下载3次

