
注册日期:2007-11-08 00:20:50

Twain.rar - This document has been ratified by the TWAIN Working,2007-11-08 00:49:48,下载185次
UML_123456.rar - 于UML的库存管理系统的分析与研究, pdf格式,2007-11-08 00:48:03,下载196次
Vb_Shell_Programming.rar - Visual Basic Shell Programming ventures where none have gone before by showing how to develop shell extensions that more closely integrate an application with the Windows shell, while at the same time providing an advanced tutorial-style treatment of COM programming with Visual Basic. Each major type of shell extension gets attention, including customized context menu handlers, per instance icons, and customized property sheets.,2007-11-08 00:46:55,下载46次
SimpleNsExt.rar - The Complete Idiot s Guide to Writing Namespace Extensions,2007-11-08 00:45:09,下载63次
RunFileDlg.rar - Using the Windows RunFile dialog - The documented and undocumented way ,2007-11-08 00:43:50,下载41次
PickIconDlg.rar - How to display the Pick Icon Dialog ,2007-11-08 00:42:49,下载44次
NamespaceExtImpl.rar - An implementation of a shell namespace extension that uses the system provided ShellView (SHCreateShellFolderView),2007-11-08 00:41:17,下载141次
MMCSnap.zip - Developing MMC Snap-Ins using ATL,2007-11-08 00:39:58,下载74次
iehelper.rar - IEHelper - How to implement a Browser Helper Object,2007-11-08 00:38:28,下载43次
ie_plugin_src.zip - ExplorerTree - 侧边栏插件 TWNetState - 状态条插件 ,2007-11-08 00:37:33,下载76次
graphic_programming.rar - VC++编程的图形方面的技术讲解, 资料库以CHM文件格式发布,2007-11-08 00:36:28,下载41次
Creating_Snapin_csharp.rar - 用C# 创建 MMC Snapin的一个简单例子 ,2007-11-08 00:33:45,下载59次

