
注册日期:2007-11-12 11:19:12

c-program-100-exmples.zip - c语言若干个经典的程序案例,包括菲比那切数列问题,鸡兔同笼问题,素数问题,闰年问题,水仙花数问题,完数问题,2013-02-27 21:56:13,下载4次
01-tanchishe.rar - c++版的贪吃蛇游戏,很不错,帮助c++学习者参考利用,2012-05-31 20:00:03,下载3次
VB.NET2005.rar - vb.net2005实现的扫雷的程序,比较好玩,大家可以参考改进,2007-11-12 12:33:42,下载37次
register.rar - 在VB.NET中写注册表程序源代码,代码简单灵活,容易学,2007-11-12 12:31:55,下载10次
car.rar - 包括出车记录,回车记录,车辆报废等等功能十分强大,2007-11-12 12:29:45,下载67次
supermaket.rar - vb 编写的超市管理系统,有购物车功能,进销存功能,是我见过的功能比较完善的了,2007-11-12 12:22:12,下载297次
ply.rar - This file contains one-line descriptions of the geometry filters. Geometry Manipulation --------------------- flipply - flip the orientation of faces normalsply - compute surface normal vectors at vertices xformply - transform vertices (translation, scale, rotation) Create PLY Files ---------------- platoply - make any of the five Platonic solids sphereply - create a sphere File Conversion --------------- ply2ascii - convert polygon file to ASCII version ply2binary - convert polygon file to binary version ply2iv - convert to Inventor file format obj2ply - convert from Wavefront .obj format Information About Files ----------------------- boundply - find bounding box of object and re-position if desired headply - print out the entire file header Support Routines ---------------- ply.c - layout grammar parsing and file I/O for geometry filters adjacency_module.c - determining ajacency between vertices and faces,2007-11-12 12:10:01,下载104次
OpenGL_vckbase20.zip - vc++开发的,介绍opengl的接口的。功能强大,2007-11-12 12:04:30,下载90次
OpenG2dL.rar - 详细介绍了用vc++开发opengl的流程,非常不错,2007-11-12 11:25:01,下载115次

