
注册日期:2007-11-14 14:44:51

FL6410.rar - 飞凌FL6410最新开发板原理图,刚买来的,给大家做设计参考。,2011-11-16 22:01:18,下载14次
ZICM2410P0-1_DS.rar - MeshConnect™ Module,非常专业的无线语音、数据传输模块,国内还没有批量推广,对做数据传输和语音传输的开发者很有帮助。,2011-11-16 21:56:30,下载8次
W681512.rar - W681512,华邦电子的语音编码芯片,在实际测试和使用中表现很出色。,2011-11-16 21:52:41,下载19次
LQ-XS128-OLED.rar - OLED屏的数据手册资料和详细说明,对嵌入式开发很有帮助的。,2011-11-16 21:43:26,下载31次
LQ-STCa52-OLED.rar - STC52单片机驱动12684OLED显示屏的代码和资料,2011-11-16 21:40:21,下载24次
P-touch_Editor3-1.rar - 非常好的图形标签设计生成和打印管理软件,支持条形码,二维码,光盘标签和Logo的编辑。,2011-07-03 09:07:34,下载35次
Wince6DevelopmentToolSetupDetail.rar - WindowsCE在消费电子的应用越来越广泛,准备学习相关开发的工程师越来越多,但不同与标准windows应用程序的开发,使得入门者在开始的时候会面临许多的困惑,这个文档是为他们准备的。,2011-05-11 03:21:14,下载4次
OutdoorWirelessBridgeGuide.rar - 在都市中实现有线局域网间互联的费用是非常昂贵的。为了在被道路分隔开的两座建筑物之间布线,用户必须进行勘测、挖掘管道(以及阻碍交通) 、重新铺路或租用每月付费 无线网桥,2011-05-11 03:13:51,下载3次
AD9856-EPM240-MSP430F149-ADS825.zip - AD9856+EPM240+MSP430F149+ADS825 is an verygood drefence design for dds,2010-12-07 00:24:04,下载41次
W29C040_DVR_ok.zip - W29C040_DVR is an reference design example for dvr design an development,2010-12-07 00:19:21,下载6次
Handheld_OBDII_Scanner.rar - 汽车CAN总线检测设备设计代码原理图协议规范和说明文档,2010-11-23 07:17:07,下载121次
tr518fr20.zip - ICT tester program for circuit board proudct factory,2010-11-23 07:06:27,下载14次
TAOS_TCS3200_datasheet.zip - TCS3200,color sensor from TAOS,very good for color recongnize application,replace the tcs230.,2010-10-28 10:41:31,下载92次
JtagBoundary-ScanTest-PracticalApproach.zip - JtagBoundary-ScanTest-PracticalApproach,important for starter study.,2010-10-28 10:32:16,下载2次
RCC-JYY.zip - 电波钟超全资料,自制电波钟 RCC-JJY的详细资料 IC资料PDF+源代码+编码格式,2010-10-28 10:26:42,下载122次
NOKIA3310_DS18B20.rar - Nokia 3310 LCD and DS18B20 for Thermometer design,already test good!,2010-10-28 10:20:46,下载5次
LCR_Handhold.rar - LCR Handhold device for R,L,C Measurement ,already test good .,2010-10-28 10:14:51,下载44次
DM6446_DVR.zip - dm6446 reference design for digital video recorder include schematic and pcb bom files ,suggest for c6000 starter for own design,2010-04-08 19:39:04,下载66次
wirelessrecongnation.zip - wireless recongnation for robot and remote smart control application,2010-04-08 19:35:53,下载2次
2051-905-V2.0.zip - at89c2051 with nRF905 for wireless communication and remote control,2010-04-08 19:33:25,下载3次
DRIGMORN30.rar - DRIGMORN30 is very best development reference design for engineer,2010-04-08 19:31:38,下载3次
DRIGMORN20.rar - xilinx spatran 6 demo schematic very important to development,2010-04-08 19:29:51,下载3次
EMC_design_standard_circuits.zip - EMC设计标准电路,电路设计经常会用到的电磁兼容标准学习材料,2010-01-09 01:22:43,下载34次
ADI_All_Protel99_Symbols.zip - ADI_All_Protel99_Symbols.zip,AnalogDevice全部器件的protel99se封装文件,对于使用ADI芯片设计系统的工程师可以节省许多做封装的时间,2009-07-20 12:33:53,下载8次
2812mini.rar - 2812最小系统设计,包括原理图和PCB,希望对大家有帮助,2009-07-20 12:19:17,下载243次
OCR_SDK_DelphiTwain.rar - OCR_SDK_DelphiTwain已经测试过识别速度很快使用也很简单,希望对大家有帮助,2009-07-20 11:55:34,下载11次
OCR_SDK_VintaSoftTwain_ActiveX_3.6.0.3.rar - OCR_SDK_VintaSoftTwain ActiveX control,2009-07-20 11:49:11,下载15次
EmbeddedSystem_Programming_In_C_CPP.rar - EmbeddedSystem_Programming_In_C&CPP,well to write for embeded system programming,2008-11-24 16:36:05,下载4次
ARM7_LPC213x_214x.rar - 深入浅出 ARM7_LPC213x_214x,感觉写的比较好的书,2008-11-24 16:32:35,下载5次
TI_DM6467_SCH_CPLD.rar - TI 原装开发板 DM6467 原理图 CPLD 给需要的人,2008-11-24 16:25:19,下载247次
Davinci_DM6446_examples.rar - Davinci_DM6446测试代码,达芬奇是目前TI最新的数字信号处理器系列的产品,代表了目前高端DSP技术最新的发展趋势,2008-11-24 16:22:19,下载60次
RadarwithMatlab_sourcecode.rar - 《Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MatLab》,作者Bassem R. Mahafza, Ph.D.,2008-09-13 20:29:39,下载101次
PrenticeHall-DSP.With.Fractals.A.Wavelet-Based.App - Prentice Hall - DSP With Fractals A Wavelet-Based Approach (Wornell),2008-08-16 10:26:10,下载11次
IC_Design_Company_Lists.rar - 全国IC设计企业名单IC_Design_Company_Lists,2008-07-13 03:24:26,下载9次
ultrasonic_finder_schematic.rar - ultrasonic_finder_schematic,detail design for useful.,2008-07-13 03:19:26,下载4次
basketball_counter_schematic.rar - basketball_counter_schematic篮球计分电路,2008-07-13 03:13:26,下载6次
LCD-Display-Fridge-Controller.rar - LCD Display Fridge Controller 液晶显示电冰箱温控器源程序,2008-07-13 03:03:23,下载20次
RTL8305SC.rar - 4 port switch controllor + dual MII interface for switch application,2008-07-08 06:08:23,下载251次
IDAProDLLAnalysis.rar - IDA Pro DLL Analysis train material,2008-07-06 02:13:49,下载45次
FluentModelingMultiphaseFlows.rar - Fluent Modeling Multiphase Flows,2008-07-06 02:09:49,下载65次
ReverseEngineeringCodewithIDAPro.rar - Reverse Engineering Code with IDA Pro,2008-07-06 02:05:53,下载38次
DisassemblingCodeIDAProandSoftICE.rar - Disassembling Code IDA Pro and SoftICE.rar,2008-07-06 01:57:32,下载10次
ML4664.rar - ML4664 10BASE-T Copper media to 10BASE-FL fiber media in a single chip.,2008-04-19 23:23:16,下载3次
DM9301.rar - 10/100M Fiber to Ethernet Media converter,tested is well for Fiber Optic application,good luck for you .,2008-04-19 08:20:31,下载13次
LZ9FC22_FV_LCD.rar - LZ9FC22_FV_LCD,LCD driver ic for embeded application.,2008-04-11 15:51:46,下载13次
QQ2440_linux_example.rar - QQ2440 linux development examples ,it is test well,good luck for you use it.,2008-04-11 10:29:32,下载8次
QQ2440V3lib.rar - QQ2440V3 library package using protel99se open it.,2008-04-11 10:26:41,下载17次
QQ2440V3.rar - QQ2440 Version 3 pcb design file, open it using protel99se,2008-04-11 10:24:09,下载343次
A_Guide_To_Digita_Design_And_Synthesis.rar - A Guide To Digital Design And Synthesis,2008-04-11 10:19:54,下载8次
ppc750_sim_systemC.rar - ppc750 system design simulator using system c,2008-04-03 01:09:45,下载11次
HGS12864Z80.zip - HGS12864Z is OLED Display Screen for Instrument display application.,2008-03-17 03:54:33,下载22次
CPCI6U.zip - compact pci footprint for design,using pads2005 open it ,like you need it !,2008-03-13 11:21:48,下载40次
inverter_schematic.rar - Inverter reference design for PLC ,design using AutoCAD.,2008-02-09 23:58:14,下载16次
gerber-connection_software.rar - The Unisoft software module GERBER CONNECTION (CNC-BRIDGE). GERBER CONNECTION has all the features of VIEW-MARKUP and adds the ability to open multiple gerber file layers and add information to components. It is always the preference to use the CAD data vs. gerber data. If you do not have the CAD data then GERBER CONNECTION can help.,2008-02-09 23:53:07,下载25次
LF2407_Matlab.rar - 在Matlab/Simulink环境下,用图形化的方式设计DSP程序,可简化程序的设计。利用Embedded Targetfor T1 C2000 DSP工具包,设计DSP的ADC转换程序;利用Simulink的数字信号处理工具包,设计FIR滤波嚣进行滤波处理;给出在修改生成的C语言程序时如何使DSP能正确运行。设计的程序在TM$320LF2407A处理器上运行正确。,2008-02-09 23:47:13,下载167次
AT91SAM7S_SAM-BA_UM_CN_REV1.rar - AT91SAM7S_SAM-BA中文版用户使用手册,对于需要快速掌握AT91SAM7S的开发者非常有帮助。,2008-02-07 00:35:00,下载23次
avr_library_note.rar - AVR MCU Library Classes notes ,use for AVR developpment works.,2008-02-07 00:31:59,下载2次
loongson_user_manual.rar - loongson 2E user manual for development!!1,2008-01-30 05:16:03,下载4次
Loongson_2E_datasheet.rar - Chinese No.1 CPU Loongson 2E datasheet,support national CPU design,2008-01-30 05:13:50,下载6次
xilinx_1553_bus_analyzer_with_document.rar - xilinx reference design for 1553B BUS analyer using,2008-01-30 05:09:18,下载140次
Powerpcb_gerber_output_step_by_step.rar - Powerpcb gerber output step by step for newbie using powerpcb,just for your work happy!,2008-01-30 05:06:15,下载10次
CSA_car_security_system_sch.rar - car security system is more important for us,2008-01-30 05:03:22,下载7次
GPS_2440_PADS2005.rar - GPS_2440_PADS2005,gps schematic reference design ,2008-01-30 04:40:54,下载112次
CAR_CIRCUIT.rar - car audio amplifer.orcad schematic reference design,2008-01-30 04:37:11,下载8次
upd7210.rar - upd7210 is chipset for gpib ieee488 application purpose,2008-01-07 23:36:43,下载40次
cb7210.rar - GPIB IC for IEEE488 specification ,replace NEC uPD7210,2008-01-07 23:34:51,下载56次
VCD-DVD-Repair-manual.rar - vcd and dvd repair manual for repair purpose,pleasure for you like it!,2008-01-05 02:18:46,下载3次
FET_IC.rar - Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type For switching/digital circuits,2008-01-05 02:13:36,下载2次
7130tv.rar - PHILIPS 7130 TV/FM capture card use PHILIPS 7130 chip , is a newly built-in TV card integrating FM radio and TV receiver. You can watch/record TV programs (up to 136 channels) and FM radio on PC. The powerful attached software enables you to & rename favorite channels as per your taste. Moreover, the remote controller makes watching TV through PC more convenient. Through PHILIPS 7130 TV/FM capture card, you can transfer & save the full screen/full motion video captured VCR, camcorder, PC camera or other video sources into hard disk, or you can burn the video to VCD/SVCD/DVD via professional rewrite software. PHILIPS 7130 TV/FM capture card supports snapshot, you can record wonderful clips to create your personal e-album, then share your works with your friends & family via Internet. ,2008-01-05 02:08:54,下载46次
rs232-rs485.rar - rs232-rs485 converter schematic ,pleasure for uou using it .,2008-01-05 01:57:58,下载68次
pci20_blz3.rar - pci card refence design ,using powerpcb or pads open it .,2008-01-05 01:56:05,下载42次
Olympic_Clock.rar - Olympic clock circuit schematic design reference,maybe you just search it now,haha1,2008-01-05 01:51:08,下载5次
9054rdk-lite.rar - pci 9054 reference design for pci bus,2008-01-01 23:50:40,下载211次
i.MX27.rar - freescale mutlimedia processor for incomhing development,2007-12-02 23:51:16,下载306次
CS48500.rar - cirrus loguc audin digital signal processor ,2007-12-02 23:49:16,下载83次
usb-msd-rd.rar - C8051f mcu can support sd card and more than 512 MB ,this is design introduce and design file,2007-11-22 12:06:04,下载173次
cam350v9.5.1.rar - cam350 v 9.5.1 cam software license files only for study!,2007-11-22 12:00:07,下载322次
Bluetooth_bc04usb.rar - Bluetooth usb adapter ,include schematic pcb and design file,2007-11-22 11:54:36,下载185次
amd_gx_tc_rdk.rar - AMD 嵌入 CPU 开发的原理图和PCB文件,很难找的啊!,2007-11-22 11:44:05,下载110次
VHDL2SystemC.rar - VHDL to System C translator ,2007-11-14 14:47:20,下载81次

