
注册日期:2007-11-27 17:33:52

wykobi.zip - Good C++ computational geometry libraries to date have been hideously over-designed and incorporate usage patterns that in most cases require extensive redesigns and rewrites of code in order to functionally integrate within an existing project. Sometimes a lightweight portable solution that has a bit of error is deemed to be more appropriate and reasonable. However these libraries even though being more than able to cater for such a requirement still burden the end user with undue code clutter, very steep learning curves and in some cases unnecessary overheads. ,2007-11-29 16:51:19,下载2次
Grid.zip - Search Articles Authors Advanced Search Sitemap Print Broken Article? Bookmark Discuss Send to a friend 23 votes for this article. Popularity: 6.11. Rating: 4.49 out of 5. You are signed up for one or more newsletters but unfortunately we are unable to send you emails. Please click here to have an email sent that will allow us to confirm your email address. Download demo project - 19.6 KB Download source file - 10.5 KB Introduction The MVC pattern is the way of breaking an application or GUI control into three parts: the controller, the model, and the view. The MVC pattern was designed to deal with input, data processing, and rendering the data into the GUI realm. The user input, data processing and rendering the data are separated and handled by the view, model, and controller objects. ,2007-11-29 09:02:12,下载1次
javascriptlinedrawing_src.zip - In this article, I want to explain and deduce the line drawing algorithm by Bresenham. Afterwards, I will show an optimized version which can be used to draw lines in Gecko based browsers like Mozilla or Firefox and Microsoft s Internet Explorer. As you know, HTML itself is not able to describe lines. Therefore, there is no built-in features in the above-mentioned browsers for drawing lines. By implementing the Bresenham algorithm with JavaScript while applying some tricks, we will be able to draw lines in a good manner in respect to the browser s runtime and memory footprints. ,2007-11-29 08:54:23,下载1次
Arrows_src.zip - Basically, there was a request for some code to draw arrows and I had never seen any. Plus, I m not really in the mood to hang drapes or vacuum.,2007-11-28 11:51:57,下载1次
facedetector_src.zip - The first step to intelligent image/video processing for face recognition in uncontrolled scenery with complex backgrounds (outdoor environments, airports, train/bus stations) is face detection. The precision of the latter heavily depends your face recognition results. Typically scientists investigating in that field do not have the time or the ability to develop optimized C++ code ready for commercial use and confine themselves with the Matlab development process only. ,2007-11-27 17:45:03,下载52次

