
注册日期:2007-12-05 17:44:29

Matlab2.rar - 微分方程的数值解法MATLAB Matlab. 程序. (. 主程序:. ZCX). global P. t0,Y0,h,N %输入初始条件、计算步长和迭代次数. M, K, C %输入结构参数. A=[0, I -M,2008-02-01 10:17:04,下载33次
C++Builder_Matlab.rar - 基于C++ Builder 与Matlab 的配电网无功优化软件设计,2008-02-01 10:12:50,下载78次
050312.rar - Matlab 与工控组态软件RSView32 的通信设计,2008-02-01 10:10:13,下载7次
060407.rar - 基于DDE技术的MATLAB与WinCC通信设计,2008-02-01 10:09:35,下载10次
200756135454786.rar - 图论算法及其MATLAB 程序代码求赋权图G = ( V , E , F ) 中任意两点间,2008-02-01 10:08:29,下载61次
tutorial00.rar - 应用于化工原理中的数值法MATLAB 学习指南Kenneth Beers 化 ,2008-02-01 10:07:43,下载2次
tutorial06.rar - MATLAB 学习指南第六章.编写与调用函数,2008-02-01 10:06:50,下载4次
movie.rar - 制作红色小球沿一条带封闭路径的下旋螺线运动的实时动画,2008-02-01 09:58:04,下载4次
figure.rar - 有100个数据点,知道x,y,z的坐标,用命令把这些点拟合成空间的曲线?看点的分布应该是螺旋线,得出一个表达式来表达曲线,有程序,2008-02-01 09:54:50,下载85次
bp_C.rar - BP神经网络的编程,C语言编写 要看要几层的网络,输入和输出是多少个?要几层隐层,多少个神经元,还有要选什么传输函数。这些确定了,建立和训练网络,2008-02-01 09:49:37,下载149次
bp.rar - 用MATLAB的神经网络工具箱实现三层BP网络,2008-02-01 09:39:41,下载65次
DCT_IDCT.zip - to understand the Algorithm go to matlab help in page dct2 and idct2 to get the mathematical expression for M = N = 8, we can calculate the most of hard values and save it as LUTs to speed up the execution now compare our special 8X8 functions with the internal general functions use this code: A = int32(100*rand(8,8)) tic for i = 1 : 1000 IDCT_8X8(DCT_8X8(A)) end toc tic for i = 1 : 1000 idct2(dct2(A)) end toc i had built the general functions too, but with low speed ,2007-12-05 18:28:42,下载14次
maze.zip - Maze是一款用Matlab语言编写的迷宫智力游戏。,2007-12-05 18:17:47,下载39次
xo.zip - XO Game with GUI 是一款用matlab编写的待用户界面的人工智能游戏。 This is an improvement on the previous text-based game that was previously created. This file features a GUI with the same AI and sound effects. The Computer plays based on very simple rules, yet it is difficult to beat. ,2007-12-05 18:16:23,下载52次
fdp5final.zip - Face Detection System Face Detection using gabor feature extraction and neural networks ,2007-12-05 17:50:39,下载95次

