
注册日期:2007-12-28 10:26:06

MicroWaveTimerChip.rar - 该芯片的功能是: ① 有一复位开关,能够完成芯片的复位功能。 ② 有一烹调时间设置信号,用来控制烹调时间的设置。 ③ 能够显示烹调时间的进行情况,烹调时间的单位是几分几秒。 ④ 能够测试七段数码管工作是否正常。 芯片模块划分: ① 控制状态机:用于控制微波炉工作过程中的状态转换。 ② 数据装入器:根据控制信号选择定时时间、测试数据或完成信息的装入。 ③ 定时器:负责完成烹调过程中的时间递减计数和数据译码以供七段显示数码管显示,同时还要提供烹调完成时的状态信号供控制状态机产生完成信号。 ,2008-01-10 17:10:15,下载26次
ManchesterEncoder.rar - THIS DESIGN IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS IS". XILINX MAKES AND YOU RECEIVE NO WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, AND XILINX SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This design has not been verified on hardware (as opposed to simulations), and it should be used only as an example design, not as a fully functional core. XILINX does not warrant the performance, functionality, or operation of this Design will meet your requirements, or that the operation of the Design will be uninterrupted or error free, or that defects in the Design will be corrected. Furthermore, XILINX does not warrant or make any representations regarding use or the results of the use of the Design in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability or otherwise. ,2008-01-10 17:07:51,下载2次
HAFFUMANCODE.rar - 该程序能够有效地实现哈夫曼的编码和解码,并给出压缩比,2007-12-28 10:37:55,下载12次

