
注册日期:2008-01-11 12:25:20

Direct3D.rar - Bumpmapping is an advanced multitexture blending technique that can be used to render the appearance of rough, bumpy surfaces. The bump map itself is a texture that stores the perturbation data. Bumpmapping requires two textures, actually. One is an environment map, which contains the lights that you see in the scene. The other is the actual bumpmapping, which contain values (stored as du and dv) used to "bump" the environment maps texture coordinates. Some bumpmaps also contain luminance values to control the "shininess" of a particular texel. This sample makes use of common DirectX code (consisting of helper functions, etc.) that is shared with other samples on the DirectX SDK. All common headers and source code can be found in the following directory: DXSDK\Samples\C++\Common,2008-11-25 11:08:34,下载11次
IP-Programing.rar - 1。演示程序中增加了三个鼠标功能的演示程序与真彩色图 像像素数据的显示。 2、新增了四个菜单,即分水岭算法、线段表新应用、论文例图和应 用模块,它们都是交稿后到最近这段时间里所做的工作。新增内 容都是在此编程环境下完成的。 3、分水岭算法菜单中给出了分割粘连图像的四种方法。 4、线段表新应用菜单给出了用种子填色法实现的连通区域分割方法, 它比线段编码法简单,还介绍了用线段表实现数 学形态学中腐蚀膨胀的快速算法。 中所用图像的生成步骤,也是图像处理的具体应用实例。软件包 中也提供了这三篇论文以供参考。 6、应用模块提供了图像文件的读写与真彩色图像变灰阶功能,可以 输入输出自行选择的图像。这样,就有条件在此基础上开发一些 简单的图像处理应用程序,使之更趋实用。提供的功能中有六个 处理实例,读者可参照着开发自己需要的功能。 ,2008-11-04 09:54:34,下载101次

