
注册日期:2008-02-03 04:01:12

EQBER_MLSE.rar - a script that runs link simulations for ideal and imperfect MLSE equalizers.,2008-06-09 23:43:42,下载57次
Low-ComplexityTransformationandQuantizationinH264- - presentation of Low-Complexity Transformation and Quantization in H264-AVC,2008-06-09 23:38:39,下载9次
motion2d-Chapter6.rar - 2d motion estimation course powerpoint material,2008-06-09 23:34:24,下载4次
VariableblocksizeMotionEstimation.rar - presentation of Fast Variable Block Size Motion Estimation Algorithms Based on Merge and Split Procedures for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC,2008-06-09 23:30:05,下载47次
eqber_adaptive.rar - This script runs a simulation loop for either a linear or a DFE equalizer. It uses the RLS algorithm to initially set the weights, then uses LMS thereafter to minimize execution time. It plots the equalized signal spectrum, then generates and plots BER results over a range of Eb/No values. It also fits a curve to the simulated BER points, and plots the burst error performance of the linear and DFE equalizers. The adaptive equalizer objects automatically retain their state between invocations of their "equalize" method.,2008-06-09 23:25:46,下载99次
Project.rar - Select two edge extraction methods and apply them to both noise and no noise image.,2008-06-09 23:11:37,下载3次
filtering.rar - 用单一滤波器对图像进行处理,达到与使用两个串联滤波器进行处理的同一个效果。,2008-03-01 12:44:08,下载2次
DoubleCloseloop.rar - 电动势负反馈的速度,电流双闭环直流调速系统仿真 ,2008-02-03 04:28:18,下载91次

