
注册日期:2008-03-15 22:01:51

deemix-main.zip - deemix is a deezer downloader built from the ashes of Deezloader Remix. The base library (or core) can be used as a stand alone CLI app or implemented in an UI using the API.,2021-02-17 09:37:57,下载0次
cleanup.zip - win 32\vs9 kill process from list,2018-03-19 04:49:08,下载1次
FastSlideView.zip - select folder to view image convert image multiple format win32 c++ vs9,2018-03-19 04:45:11,下载1次
Radical.rar - win 32 c source mvs 9 rsa / zip/ unzip / tray icon / file to exe protect inject data,2014-01-11 20:02:23,下载0次
id3.rar - ID3 mp3 tag image injecte in mp3 folder récursive image convert and resize using for msc2008 select forlder of mp3 album put image in each folder my verson 2,2013-12-02 03:50:36,下载1次
BioHazard.rar - 2d game direct x 9 tile scroll map scrolling pac man c+ source code!!!,2009-11-04 03:39:53,下载10次
root-XP.rar - Screensaver .scr stream warez nfo from web to screensaver work on win xp only... ,2009-08-30 02:16:57,下载9次
install.rar - unzip installater what it do will decompress a zip file and every .exe file found will create a shortcut on your destination folder use minifmod to ply music,2009-07-29 07:04:37,下载7次
GarDa.667d76ca.zip - Win 32 api visual studio 8 C++ Packer and unpacker exe zip compress Win api RSA ,2009-05-16 05:29:42,下载12次
Wave_edir_win32.rar - Wav edit win 32 .wav sound ,2009-03-19 07:50:35,下载5次
EQUALIZER-WIN32.rar - win32 sound equalizer ,2009-03-13 06:57:22,下载87次
miracle_tinyptc.rar - amiga intro outro demo code xm,2009-03-05 04:16:22,下载6次
Asc-art.rar - convert a small image to a text image ascii art,2009-02-23 09:51:00,下载16次
SHELLTUNNING-VIDEO.rar - win32 vs2008 play video on the back destop c++,2009-02-01 00:19:20,下载3次
MultiDesktop.rar - win 32 4 desktop multi desktop trayicon,2009-01-31 23:51:59,下载49次
nightmare.rar - Screen saver win32 plasma line 2d vs2003 win xp asm,2009-01-10 09:31:20,下载42次
web-time.rar - get time from free web server port 37 vs2003 ,2008-12-29 02:39:33,下载20次
install32.rar - install unsistall application win32 api skin,2008-11-07 01:17:23,下载5次
win-tetris.rar - Tetris windows win32 api block shape all sorte,2008-11-07 01:15:03,下载39次
pcclean.rar - pc ceaner, cookies, .dat tempory files, History,IECache,IECookies,2008-09-20 00:18:15,下载56次
DirectX_Fire_Effect.rar - Direct X 7 fire Screen FX c/c,2008-09-20 00:12:10,下载37次
obfuscated.zip - Obfuscate code unreadable source code that work you are able to compile vs2003,2008-08-24 21:32:11,下载46次
spacewar.zip - Space invader game direct X visual studio full game working,2008-07-21 04:16:23,下载59次
google_yahoo.zip - gogle or yahoo search and hacking bar to find web Query "Index of /",2008-07-01 02:16:48,下载59次
tatoon.rar - direct x 9 demo using mp3 play, xm music and 2d animation,2008-07-01 02:11:27,下载21次
mod95.rar - .Mod player before mp3 was .mod tracker!!! module,2008-04-17 03:05:36,下载72次
playxm.rar - .XM module tracker player vs2003 c/c++ ,2008-04-10 01:30:37,下载67次
gdi.rar - Game 2D GDI + asm + c/c+ ,2008-03-30 19:46:52,下载30次
asteroiid.zip - 2d Game asteroid dx draw and sound,2008-03-27 01:16:59,下载65次
uz.zip - Skin, zip, unzip, md5, crc32, drag and drop,2008-03-26 07:14:38,下载64次
PlasmaDX.zip - Plasma direct X 300x200 ,2008-03-16 20:33:38,下载6次

C-Browser-Password-Cracker-master.zip - c- browser password cracker
p2p-C.rar - p2p技术C源代码 P2P源码,需要实现这部分功能的朋友可以参考一下
directsoundplayer.rar - 利用 directsound 开发的流式文件播放类
[C++] FBI-RAT.rar - le rat this is a rat for rat uses with rats in rat
p2p.rar - p2p实现简单的文件传输,客户端实现,目前没有界面
P2P-Over-MiddleBoxes-Demo-master.zip - 一个不错的P2P通信演示软件,可以作为P2P通讯编程参考,包含完整的server端和client端。
htmlMFC.rar - 简易网页浏览器,适合初学者,但是基本功能都实现了,比较稳定
Twitter Auto Post Multi Accounts.zip - Auto poster for twitter
Facebook-API.rar - Api for facbook, get link,images .....
cppFaceBook_GraphApi_Mini_src.rar - Facebook Graph API Demo
instagramimagedownloader.zip - Instagram Image-Video Downloader Download Instagram photos and videos with PHP.
youtube_video_downloader-0.2-src.zip - Youtube video downloader
youtube-download-script-php.zip - A simple php code to use Youtube Api v3.
VC_WebServer.rar - 1.mywininet_1是一个通过inet来获取网页内容的程序; 2.web服务器是一个功能比较齐全的WEB服务器程序,通过该程序能够让读者深入了解HTTP的实现机理 3.浏览器是一个能够实现各种功能的浏览器,主要是使用了IE内核,能够实现大部分的IE功能; 4.网站下载是一个综合程序,能够下载网站中所有的网页地址,也可以下载网页中链接的其他网站内容,并且能够进行各种复杂设定,希望读者好好学习。 5.bbs高级程序开发是一个bbs客户单程序,能够根据bbs的协议原则,对每个字节进行分析,同时也能够同时显示中文和英文,程序有一个缺点就是速度有时候比较慢,希望读者可以改进。 以上所有程序在VC6.0中调试通过 系统平台是:Windows XP Professiona
Myweb.rar - web客户端,能将下载的web页面显示,能提供前进、后退、刷新、停止、返回主页功能。
curl-7.21.6.zip - 调用微博api 工具代码,比如可以调用twitter firehose获得tweets
twitter4j-1.1.3.zip - Source code to implement twitter
自实现浏览器(基于ie核).zip - 使用web browser控件实现基于ie核的浏览器
WebLoad.rar - C++ sdk 简单的使用 webbrowser 加载网页
VC++制作的网页浏览器程序.rar - vc 写的网页浏览器,适合网络编程参考。
