
注册日期:2008-03-17 19:50:14

SemSig.rar - Shows how to set up an interrupt handler function and signal events from the handler. We use C6x timer 1 as the example interrupt source.,2008-03-17 20:26:30,下载2次
example-4.rar - This example demonstrates the use of Semaphores, Threads, and Timers. Three "Filler" threads are created that loop waiting for a while and then adding a value to the end of a circular buffer. The main thread removes words from the buffer and prints them. ,2008-03-17 20:24:15,下载7次
QuadContMultiChannelBank.rar - ICS564 Loop demo through PCI data path. DAC in Quadrature Upconverter mode . ,2008-03-17 20:21:01,下载2次
sender.rar - SMT365 has 1MBytes of internal memory to store program and fast access buffers (0x00000 -> 0xFFFFF). To display data captured, use Test.m (MATLAB application) ,2008-03-17 20:17:07,下载2次
example-3.rar - This application has one task that reads characters from stdin and sends them to a second task. This converts the characters to upper case and sends them back to the first task for printing. Each task will execute on a different processor.,2008-03-17 20:11:58,下载2次
QuadContMultiChannel.rar - ICS564 Loop demo through PCI data path. DAC in Quadrature Upconverter mode ,2008-03-17 20:03:05,下载2次

