
注册日期:2008-04-02 21:47:42

vmspec.html.tar.gz - Jvm 规范说明。The Java Virtual Machine was designed to support the Java programming language. Some concepts and vocabulary from the Java language are thus necessary to understand the virtual machine. This chapter gives enough of an overview of Java to support the discussion of the Java Virtual Machine to follow. Its material has been condensed from The Java Language Specification, by James Gosling, Bill Joy, and Guy Steele. For a complete discussion of the Java language, or for details and examples of the material in this chapter, refer to that book. Readers familiar with that book may wish to skip this chapter. Readers familiar with Java, but not with The Java Language Specification, should at least skim this chapter for the terminology it introduces.,2008-09-30 21:57:28,下载5次
mediaplayer.rar - MediaPlayer程序可以播放声音、视频文件,还可以显示静态图象文件,如果有CMX DLLs的话,该程序也可以记录或回放高通公司的QCP格式音频文件。它最多可以保存32个多媒体文件。Mediaplayer有常用的功能,例如播放、快速播放、停止和暂停等,它支持许多多媒体格式,包括QCP,MPEG Audio Layer3(MP3),Musical Instrument Digital Interface(MIDI),BREW Compressed Image(BCI),Bitmap(BMP),和包含音视频的Packet Mode Data(PMD)。 这个程序的运行目标设备是Sharp Z-800,在Simulator上,我们选择Sharp Z-800设备图片。 ,2008-09-30 21:52:41,下载40次
Qualcomm.rar - 本文试图通过代码来深入剖析Qualcomm手机开机的整个过程,即从按下开机键一直到出现待机界面,Qualcomm的手机软件在整个流程中究竟完成了哪些工作。本文的主要目标是理清手机的初始化流程,并为今后Amoi定做初始化工作提供一个参考。,2008-09-30 21:50:57,下载244次
ppp.rar - 介绍了ppp协议的主要内容用户接入Internet,在传送数据时都需要有数据链路层协议,其中最为广泛的是串行 线路网际协议(SLIP)和点对点协议(PPP)。由于SLIP具有仅支持IP等缺点,主要用于低速(不超过19.2kbit/s)的交互性业务,它并未成为Internet的标准协议。为了改进SLIP,人们制订了点对点PPP(Point-to-Point Protocol)。RFC1661、RFC1662、RFC1663。,2008-09-30 21:48:26,下载16次
e3989.rar - 单片机C语言应用程序设计(修订版)_36984_超星格式(*.pdg) 图书请在本站下载超星阅读器V3.6版阅 ║ ║ 读,或者使用PDG阅读器阅读。 ║ ║ PDF格式文件请使用 Acrobat Reader 软件阅读。,2008-04-02 22:01:26,下载39次

