
注册日期:2008-04-28 19:30:03

infrared_code.rar - 简介:采用AT89C52单片机模拟红外编码,晶振采用32.768MHz,编码采用RC-5格式,计算得到相应机器数目后采用中断或者循环完成红外脉冲的发射。 关键词:AT89C52 RC-5编码 红外编码,2010-06-15 13:43:02,下载12次
matlab_saa3010.rar - 简介:采用matlab完成了SAAB3010红外遥控板的编码发射显示,通过GUI界面可以清楚了解其发射编码格式,有助于红外遥控编解码的学习。 关键词:matlab SAA3010 红外遥控 GUI,2010-06-15 13:41:56,下载18次
lcm_testV7.0.rar - 简介:毕业设计源程序,完成红外遥控学习功能,采用AT89C52单片机,RC-5红外编码,彩色触屏输入,完成红外发射接收,调试程序为keil,附件中介绍比较详细。 关键词:毕业设计 红外遥控 触屏校正 红外解码 红外编码,2010-06-15 13:41:09,下载60次
3IR_TEST.rar - 简介: 基于ADS1.2开发环境,周立功LPC2300开发板,红外接收软件硬件配置,编写了本工程文件,用于红外遥控解码测试,红外解码标准可以根据实际需要更改。 关键词:ARM7 LCP2300 红外解码 嵌入式开发,2010-06-15 13:39:29,下载12次
2TP_test.rar - 简介: 基于ADS1.2开发环境,周立功LPC2300开发板,彩色触屏软件硬件配置,编写了本工程文件,编写函数用于LCD触屏校正、操作。 关键词:ARM7 LCP2300 触屏校正 嵌入式开发,2010-06-15 13:38:46,下载9次
1LCD_test.rar - 简介: 基于ADS1.2开发环境,周立功LPC2300开发板,彩屏软件硬件配置,编写了本工程文件,用于测试LCD显示,LCD初始化以及读写操作均已函数封装形式给出。 关键词:ARM7 LCP2300 LCD 嵌入式开发,2010-06-15 13:31:43,下载7次
SourceInsigt.v3.5.rar - 非常方便的查看代码的编辑器,超级好用。 大家可以看看。。。。。。。。。。。。。。,2010-02-25 13:04:06,下载5次
ebook.rar - 推荐关于数学建模的电子书,非常有用,里面包括数据结构等等。,2008-08-17 00:39:03,下载88次
lingo_c_program.rar - lingo是一款专业的线性规划优化软件,文中给出了lingo与c语言混合编程的介绍,类似资料非常少,穿上来供大家参考。,2008-08-17 00:35:54,下载121次
midi0to1.zip - Midi format 0 contains only one track. Midi format 1 contains a tempo track and one or more singlechannel tracks that should be played together. Midi format 1 files are easier to modify (e.g. with MIDI2TXT/TXT2MIDI) because the channel jumping operator [##] is not needed. Midi format 1 files are printed using MIDI2TXT as MTrk($A) ... end Mtrk Use MIDI2TXT -i to show the version of midi file. ,2008-04-28 20:43:56,下载109次
midsplit.zip - I am able to record a backing sequence that plays life a whole song. In backing seq mode the keyboard also transfers the chords which one does not hear but occur in recording. These chord notes have same channel. The only method to distinguish them from melody notes is that the notes are below the chord split point. This utility should make it easier to split a track at given split point. Later the new track can be deleted as whole (if not needed) or modified seperately. ,2008-04-28 20:23:44,下载30次
rmi2mid.zip - Sometimes I get *.rmi files that are Microsoft specific midi files. Only Windows Players support this format. I prefer using dos players and the builtin player of a music workstation and they cannot load RMI. When I studied the content of an RMI file, I found that the real standard midi file is contained in the file. RIFF is an uncompressed archive that stores multimedia data. It was very easy to implement this converter. ,2008-04-28 20:22:54,下载54次
midisort.zip - I send midi songs through the Soundblaster player to a music workstation and had some problems with some midi files. Some files played only few voices even if the midi file contained full orchestral song. I found that these midi files contained many tracks that did not play something but contained text information about the author or advertisement. My player seems to limit the number of tracks to the first 16 tracks. That was very bad because many of the tracks were empty and other important tracks were not played. (Critics to Creative Labs: Why didn t you ignore short tracks that only contain text information?) First I used midi2txt and txt2midi converters to manually move the comment tracks to the end of the midi file. Then I had the idea to implement a simple program that can do that and added some other track sorting features. ,2008-04-28 20:21:46,下载44次
dmp2midi.zip - The program MIDIDMP generated a simple time sorted dump of notes from a midi file. Somebody asked me for a converter back to midi. Here is it. Currently MIDIDMP only dumps notes and tact measures. In future I will add some other midi commands that are necessary when generating midi files that sound better than midi songs using only one instrument. ,2008-04-28 20:20:27,下载36次
midicmp.zip - My first intention writing this program was getting knowledge about midi. After writing the pendant TXT2MIDI program I used it to sequence some music titles. When I bought my music workstation (including a more powerful sequencer) my use of MIDI2TXT/TXT2MIDI changed into an updating environment to make less compatible midi files full compatible. Another use possibility came up when I copied some excellent midi binaries from news://alt.binaries.sounds.midi . I converted one with MIDI2TXT into text, commented all commands that played notes in leading track and converted it back into another midi file (TXT2MIDI). The new midi file played the full background of the music while I was able to learn playing the lead voice for my own pleasure. ,2008-04-28 20:08:22,下载50次
midcopyr.zip - Many people don t know that they copied copyrighted midi files. Sometimes a copyright notice can be found in the file content. This utility should make it easy to get this information for one or more midi files at once. ,2008-04-28 20:06:18,下载25次
miditime.zip - All good midi files should have a fantastic intro and a good ending. One effect that is often used by musicians is fading. It produces a soft start and end of a song. Only few sequencers support fade in/out of songs. My keyboard sequencer has ability to manually play more louder but automatic fading is not available. This encouraged me to write a utility that fades a midisong at given time and velocity parameters. It is a new challenge for me to handle midi tempo commands even when it changes anytime in any track. ,2008-04-28 20:04:29,下载32次

