
注册日期:2008-06-11 10:38:56

CommonCtrls.rar - mfc窗口程序的所有例子,综合到了一起。 按钮 组合框控件 编辑框 TreeView控件 Static控件 PropertySheet RichEdit ListView/ListBox 可以很直观的了解所有控件的使用,对初学者帮助很大,2008-06-11 11:33:37,下载698次
CPURateControl.rar - cpu曲线模拟。 This skeleton project not only demonstrates the basics of writing an ActiveX Control, but is also a starting point for writing the specific features of your control.,2008-06-11 11:26:26,下载12次
PwdSpyHK.rar - 是不是想研究键盘记录,这里的源码可能会对你有所帮助! PwdSpyHK键盘记录源码!,2008-06-11 11:16:55,下载32次
encode.rar - 看雪论坛《论坛精华Ⅲ》,为《论坛精华Ⅰ》与《论坛精华Ⅱ》合并,有文章1400余篇,是目前国内公开的最全的解密文献,有解密文献1400余篇! 可供研究学习,2008-06-11 11:12:59,下载70次
Huffman.zip - 迄今为止见过的最方便的huffman编码,效率很高 一个外国人写的,很具有研究价值 Constructing a Huffman Tree according to the number of times each symbol appears in the data stream: 1) Create an array of N nodes, representing N possible symbols (ranging between 0 and N-1). 2) Set the value of each node to the number of times that its symbol appears in the data stream. 3) Create a Minimum-Heap of N nodes. 4) Add every node whose value is greater than zero to the heap. 5) Extract the best two nodes in the heap. 6) Create a parent node whose children are the two extracted nodes. 7) Add the parent node to the heap. 8) Repeat the previous three steps N-1 times (until only 1 node remains in the heap). 9) Extract the last node in the heap. The array created in the first step stores the leaves of the tree, and is used in order to encode the data stream. The node extracted in the last step is in fact the root of the tree, and is used in order to decode the data stream.,2008-06-11 11:04:45,下载272次
B-spline_parametric_curve.rar - mfc实现的二次B样条曲线实例,点击所有的点之后,点击生成按钮,自动实现绘制二次B样条曲线。 此实例是我费了很大劲才找来的,对研究二次B样条曲线绘制会有很大帮助。,2008-06-11 10:55:49,下载148次

