
注册日期:2008-06-11 15:50:42

ADO.NET_advance_program.zip - ado .net 高级编程 Introduction 1 Chapter 1: Data Access and .NET 9 Chapter 2: The .NET Data Providers 45 Chapter 3: Visual Studio .NET and ADO.NET 69 Chapter 4: Using DataReaders 133 Chapter 5: The DataSet 163 Chapter 6: Using the DataAdapter 207 Chapter 7: Typed DataSets and DataSet Schemas 235 Chapter 8: XML and the DataSet 271 Chapter 9: Constraints, Relations, and Views 317 Chapter 10: Transactions 365 Chapter 11: Mapping 387 Chapter 12: Making a Data Services Component 409 Chapter 13: ADO.NET and Web Services 455 Chapter 14: SQL Server Native XML Support 517 Chapter 15: Performance and Security 551 Chapter 16: Integration and Migration 589 Chapter 17: Creating a Custom .NET Data Provider 625 Chapter 18: Case Study – Cycle Couriers 671 Index,2009-11-16 11:45:35,下载157次
Labview_new_beginner.zip - labview 入门教材,中文学习资料总结.常用基础知识,2009-11-16 11:39:01,下载49次
Csharp_Nunit.zip - c sharp单元测试的描述文件,便于建立单元测试环境, 同时还包含多个练习习题.,2009-11-16 11:34:00,下载4次
C_Sharp_tutor.zip - c#中文教程,经典的一本书,包括了ui,语法等多部分内容.,2009-11-16 11:29:10,下载5次
TorToiseSVN-UserManual-chinese.zip - SVN 中文手册,很实用的软件配置管理开元工具,2009-11-16 11:24:39,下载19次
cprogram100samples.zip - Good examples of c study for beginner. Several classical algorithms are realized in these folders. ,2008-06-25 12:52:59,下载1次
lileieluosifangkuai.rar - Special Russia Cubic a small game, it should be a good example for new beginner of visual c. ,2008-06-25 12:48:40,下载2次
Delphi7basicprogram.zip - Delphi basic program. Basic programing guide for delphi language. Several samples are giving. ,2008-06-25 12:40:09,下载1次
advance-vc-controlbox.zip - 高质量visual c++控件源码 Advance visual c++ controlbox source codes. ,2008-06-25 12:32:03,下载7次
21-40.zip - 高质量visual c++控件源码(2/5) Advance visual c++ controlbox source codes. there are five parts: 2/5,2008-06-25 12:26:30,下载6次

