
注册日期:2008-06-21 08:51:22

LectureNotes.rar - 輕易學好C++編程技巧 - 入門 (香港科技大學筆記),2008-06-25 01:22:11,下载6次
CpulspulsLectureNotes2.rar - 輕易學好C++編程技巧 - 進楷 (香港科技大學筆記 19課) 內容包括 1) base C++ review, 2) Pointers and Dynamic Objects, 3) Recursion,Linked Lists, 4) Stacks and Queues, 5) Algorithm Analysis, 6) Insertion Sort and Mergesort, 7) Quicksort, 8) Heaps and Heapsort, 9) Lower Bound of Sorting and Radix Sort, 10) Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees 11) AVL Trees, 12) B+ Trees 13) Graphs and Breadth-First Search 14) Depth-First Search 15) Connected Components, Directed Graphs, 16) Topological Sort 17) Hashing 18) Pattern Matching 19) Additional Review ,2008-06-25 01:11:32,下载14次
SDcard.rar - 基於MCU c51/8051 讀寫SD/MMC card 再以USB 傳回電腦的範例程序,2008-06-25 00:57:37,下载111次
nAND_FlashMemory.rar - 基於 c51/8051 的 nand Flash Memory HY27US08561A 範例程序 及驅動程序, 包含詳細文檔資料 (Datasheet),2008-06-24 17:16:47,下载119次
ILI9320_DriverFunction.rar - 以 C51/8051 控制320x240彩色LCD 屛的程序 (Driver Fuction) ,2008-06-24 14:15:26,下载113次 - Spell-Checker This program is implements by using AVL Tree algorithms. Its mainly implement by five functions which include AVL_insert, AVL_remove, AVL_destroy, AVL_findNearest, and AVL_print. The algorithm for the function of AVL_insert and AVL_remove, actually similar to the ALV Tree insert and delete algorithm that we have learn from our lecture notes. The function of AVL_destroy actually destroys all the nodes by scanning the whole ALV tree once. The algorithm for function of AVL_findNearest is scanning the element by using the BST algorithm and moves the pointer s1 if it scanning to the right element, or moves the pointer s2 if it scanning to the left element. Then if the function found the element, the program will return the address of the element in the tree, otherwise s1 and s2 will pointing to the elements which is just smaller and lager to the element. And the function of AVL_print, actually just scanning the whole AVL tree by printing from left to nodes to right. ,2008-06-21 09:04:00,下载7次

