
注册日期:2008-06-21 19:55:02

Test_CtrlFont.rar - An easy way of changing Control Font,2013-09-21 17:39:30,下载2次
Test_Zip.rar - It s a simple program to demostrate how to use Zip-Unzip with Ziparchive,2011-12-04 19:28:44,下载15次
Test_UnixTime.rar - It s a sample to demostrate the time format convert between System and Unix,2011-05-14 12:38:03,下载5次
Test_DlgTransparent_Dlg.rar - It s a simple program of Dialog Transparent,2011-02-16 09:37:37,下载1次
Test_LinkPHP.rar - An Easy simple of ASP.net C# to demostrate Timer, Text and Tree Control,2010-03-04 11:38:28,下载3次
Test_MSXML_06_ReadWrite40.rar - It s a simple case of READ-WRITE XML using MSXML4,2009-09-12 08:27:34,下载11次
tecEnumWin.rar - IT s used to Enum all the desktop windows,2009-09-10 09:54:31,下载9次
ImageConvert.rar - it s a very easy sample for converting the imgae format,2009-08-19 17:54:25,下载2次
NetShareAdd.rar - It s a usful demostration of using NetShareAdd API Function,2009-06-21 19:38:47,下载7次
CWiCNet.zip - It s a demostration of using NetAddShare API,2009-06-21 19:30:36,下载3次
Test_LinkList.rar - This is a simple demo of Link List. You can Add/Del/Find a structure From/To a Link List,2009-05-09 19:57:52,下载2次
SysUnixTime.rar - WINDOWS 時間格式與 UNIX 時間格式轉換,2009-04-22 10:20:25,下载2次
TestLinkList.rar - A simple test of linking list in VC,2008-08-11 16:34:20,下载6次
tecClock.rar - Simple Clock with Second running,2008-07-10 10:59:53,下载8次

