
注册日期:2008-06-26 14:44:01

上传列表 - We often need to use static data in our programs. By static, I mean our programs do not modify the data. For example, we can insert the list of the 50 US state names into a combobox so that the user can select his/her state using a mouse. The same goes with the names of months, the names of weekdays, etc. On other occasions, we need to "translate" between two different lists of static data. Say, we have to find the full name of a US state, given a two-character code, we may also have to find the corresponding name of the month, given a numeric value between 1 and 12,2008-06-26 17:35:57,下载3次 - You can find plenty of C++ and/or MFC code to deal with your ListView controls, but maybe not enough pure C and API (SDK) code. This code snippet consists of only one C function (fExportListView) that outputs the text content of a ListView control into a newly created text file (with fields separated). The output text file can be imported into a spreadsheet software such as MS Excel, or into a database.,2008-06-26 17:32:04,下载10次 - It s a tree control with a list,2008-06-26 17:22:50,下载99次 - a auto-completion list for us to complete the parameter infomation for the function we typed or function names for a cla,2008-06-26 17:21:32,下载2次 - an ATL component which contains a collection of combos with checked trees dropdowns.,2008-06-26 17:20:05,下载2次

