注册日期:2008-07-11 21:58:30

gfuzzy.rar - 基于模糊逻辑控制的数字锁相环,用于通信系统中的载波恢复。Digital phase lock loop base on fuzzy logical control, which is used to recover carrier in communication system.,2008-07-29 00:29:56,下载63次
Time_Frequency_toolbox.rar - 非平稳信号分析之时频分析工具箱,附加使用说明文档。Time-Frequency toolbox, with reference guide.,2008-07-29 00:28:40,下载156次
QR_LU_Eigenvalue.rar - 包括使用修正Gram-Schmit算法实现QR分解,自编LU分解、利用幂法和反幂法计算矩阵最大和最小特征值的程序。例外附有使用这些算法的例子供参考。 QR decomposition algorithm based on modified Gram-Schmit LU decomposition algorithm algorithm used to find maximum and minimum eigenvalue based on power and inverse power method and some examples are also included.,2008-07-29 00:25:29,下载101次
fuzzyopt.rar - 用于汽车巡航控制系统的模糊控制算法,以及如何利用梯度下降法和卡尔曼滤波来优化模糊控制器的算法。The files illustrate a simple fuzzy control algorithm as applied to an automobile cruise control system. The files also illustrate how gradient descent and Kalman filtering can be used to optimize the fuzzy controller .,2008-07-29 00:23:54,下载366次
rscode.rar - 实现8比特字节的RS纠错编码,可以指定极性校验字节数目,能产生的最大校验序列长度为255字节(含极性校验字节).This is an implementation of a Reed-Solomon code with 8 bit bytes, and a configurable number of parity bytes. The maximum sequence length (codeword) that can be generated is 255 bytes, including parity bytes.,2008-07-12 00:22:24,下载51次

