
注册日期:2008-08-03 16:29:59

SunLightFace.rar - 支持摄像头,人脸识别二次开发包,相当易用、好用。是VC开发,但只有极小部分用到了MFC,大部分CODE均为标准C++编写。SunLightFace.exe是演示程序,可以通过这个程序来测试SDK的性能。SunLightFace.dll 是SDK,其性能技术指标与演示程序是完全相同的。 SunLightFace.dll是按WINDOWS API的标准调用来生成的动态库,并提供了VB,VC,C#三类范例代码,精简扼要,如果因VS版本问题无法打开,可以用其它文件编辑器打开.CPP,.H,.CS,.frm,.bas文件来进行分析。,2009-12-06 21:36:02,下载288次 - These are the codes in "A note on two-dimensional linear discrimant analysis", Pattern Recognition Letter In this paper, we show that the discriminant power of two-dimensional discriminant analysis is not stronger than that of LDA under the assumption that the same dimensionality is considered. In experimental parts, on one hand, we confirm the validity of our claim and show the matrix-based methods are not always better than vector-based methods in the small sample size problem on the other hand, we compare several distance measures when the feature matrices and feature vectors are adopted. ,2008-08-03 18:12:40,下载196次 - Character Recognition Using Neural Networks Steps to use this GUI. 1. Open the GUI figure, run it. (accept the matlab to change its directory to new location where the file is stored) 2. First we need to teach Character to computer. For this type the Character in the textbox space provided and press "TEACH". 3. You can save all the taught data. 4. For retrival, click start. Note: Paint Brush software of microsoft opens for entering the image. So, we need to save the image after editing. For best results teach each Character not less than ten times. ,2008-08-03 18:07:52,下载115次 - The aim of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is to classify optical patterns (often contained in a digital image) corresponding to alphanumeric or other characters. The process of OCR involves several steps including segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. This program use Image Processing Toolbox to get it. For more information, visit: ,2008-08-03 17:46:21,下载733次 - A novel texture-based Automatic Fingerprint Authentication System (AFAS) is proposed. A fingerprint image is preprocessed to enhance the image by Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) analysis. Then, three sets of invariant moment features, as a kind of texture features, are extracted from three different sizes of Region of Interest (ROI) areas based on the reference point from the enhanced fingerprint image. Each set of invariant moments contain seven invariant moments. Fingerprint verification is realized by Euclidean distance between the two corresponding features of the test fingerprint image and template fingerprint image in the database. ,2008-08-03 17:40:01,下载469次 - This zip file contains source code and windows executables for carrying out face detection on a gray scale image. The code implements Viola-Jones adaboosted algorithm for face detection by providing a mex implementation of OpenCV s face detector. Instructions for use and for compiling can be found in the Readme file. Usage: FaceDetect (<Haar Cascase XML file>, <Gray scale Image>) The function returns Nx4 matrix. In case no faces were detected, N=1 and all four entries are -1. Otherwise, N=number of faces in the image and the vector contains the x, y, width and height information of the face. Example, A = imread ( lena.jpg , JPG ) Img = double (rgb2gray(A)) Face = FaceDetect( haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml ,Img) ,2008-08-03 17:35:26,下载575次
Eigenface_Face_Recognition_System.rar - Eigenface Face Recognition System All functions are easy to use, as they are heavy commented. Furthermore, a sample script is included to show their usage. ,2008-08-03 17:12:30,下载129次 - Ultimate Face Recognition v 2.0 .1 an excellent face recognition and detection software.,2008-08-03 16:44:52,下载292次

