
注册日期:2008-08-10 13:08:14

上传列表 - j2me is based on j2mepolish, client & server for mobile application.,2008-08-16 17:27:52,下载33次
PolishMenu.rar - j2me is based on j2mepolish, client & server for mobile application. menu sample,2008-08-16 17:26:43,下载78次
MobileRs.rar - j2me mobile application for upload file to server. ,2008-08-16 17:24:58,下载52次
server.rar - j2me is based on j2mepolish, client & server for mobile application. server part,2008-08-16 17:21:58,下载48次
addons.rar - Joey is j2me client server application for for mobile platform. Build on top j2mepolish,2008-08-16 17:06:45,下载36次 - Udp ping lib allowing ping the server using udp protocol,2008-08-10 13:32:59,下载50次 - In the previous article, we presented an approach for capturing similarity between words that was concerned with the syntactic similarity of two strings. Today we are back to discuss another approach that is more concerned with the meaning of words. Semantic similarity is a confidence score that reflects the semantic relation between the meanings of two sentences. It is difficult to gain a high accuracy score because the exact semantic meanings are completely understood only in a particular context.,2008-08-10 13:29:48,下载33次 - an approach for capturing similarity between words that was concerned with the syntactic similarity of two strings. Today we are back to discuss another approach that is more concerned with the meaning of words. Semantic similarity is a confidence score that reflects the semantic relation between the meanings of two sentences. It is difficult to gain a high accuracy score because the exact semantic meanings are completely understood only in a particular context.,2008-08-10 13:21:58,下载62次 - String similarity , improve string similarity capture by applying shortest distance between words. This source code is implemented in C#.,2008-08-10 13:20:32,下载41次

