
注册日期:2008-08-25 16:54:03

Si7013EVB-UDP-F960.zip - Si7013EVB-UDP/Si7013EVB-UDP-F960 User’s Guide 驱动与测试源代码,2015-09-24 17:34:24,下载7次
v02-Si7020.zip - Silicon Lab si7020/si7021 温湿度IC 规格书,2015-09-24 17:28:21,下载32次
simple_ipc.zip - GM8126 Simple IPCAM demo source code,2014-01-08 16:35:56,下载7次
GM812X_Data_Sheet_V0.4.pdf.zip - GM8125/GM8126/GM8128 Data sheet ,2014-01-08 16:14:11,下载4次
LogPath_demo.zip - 在VC++下简单如何开一目录与写log file 的源代码,2014-01-08 16:07:39,下载1次
WatermarkDetectorTest.rar - this sample code is only for PC . The sample code includes a file named "altered_1.264" which contains a watermark in it. You can run "WatermarkDetectorTest.exe" in PC, and it will read in the "altered_1.264" automatically. And will check the file "altered_1.264" has a qualified watermark in it or not. capture platform GM8180 ,2010-10-31 23:24:23,下载8次
amrLib-20080107.gz - Audio Encoder AMR LIB source code for Linux ,2010-10-31 23:18:18,下载9次
VT6655-Linux-src.rar - VIA VT6655 wireless Card for Linux source code,2010-10-31 23:11:58,下载4次
RaLink_RT61_Wireless_Driver_for_Linux.rar - RALINK RT61 Wireless Card-RT61 Wireless driver for Linux ,2010-10-31 23:08:48,下载10次
TW9910-EVBkit.rar - TW9910 Video decoder开发版资料包含电路图、使用手册、MCU源代码与INITAL TABLE 叁考,2009-08-22 16:46:03,下载200次
ffmpeg-0.4.8_src_20070726.rar - GM8120/GM8180 ffmepg-0.48 完整原代码,2009-07-15 11:17:02,下载225次
VideoSwitch_1v2.rar - FIC8120/GM8120标准353 PIN EVB版上之视频输入切换之CPLD 码,2009-07-15 11:00:19,下载14次
xawcesdk-3.2.7.zip - WINCE XAUDIO可播放各种音乐格式内附SOURCE CODE可以再不同CPU 平台编译测试,2008-12-08 12:42:36,下载18次
Ethernet-pertest.rar - 利用PC端iperf SERVER程序(WINDOWS)与EVB端上的iperf CLIENT(embedded linux)连结ETHERNET测试performance ,2008-12-08 12:25:56,下载13次
MP2Lib.rar - 可在embeded linux 压缩AUDIO成为MP2 的测试程序,2008-12-03 15:35:26,下载5次
hdperf-1.5.rar - 在EMBEDDED LINUX中测试HDD效能的程序,2008-12-03 15:33:12,下载3次
MP3_V1.3.1.zip - embedded linux 下MP3的解码程序,2008-12-03 15:30:46,下载13次
FIC8120-display_YUV-0816.rar - 在智原GM8120/8180平台利用YUV做出OSD画面的效果,2008-12-03 15:28:57,下载98次
RS485-tty1-OK-12162006.rar - 利用tty 传送pelco-d/p PTZ 的指令来测试旋转球,2008-12-03 15:23:56,下载28次

