
注册日期:2008-08-29 15:49:57

diameter-0.01.zip - This package includes the source code which computes the diameter (or an epsilon-approximation) of a points set, that can be randomly picked, or read from a file. ,2008-08-29 16:22:22,下载17次
udpoint.zip - The Hammersley and Halton point sets, two well known low discrepancy sequences, have been used for quasi-Monte Carlo integration in previous research. A deterministic formula generates a uniformly distributed and stochastic-looking sampling pattern, at low computational cost. The Halton point set is also useful for incremental sampling. In this paper, we discuss detailed implementation issues and our experience of choosing suitable bases of the point sets, not just on the 2D plane, but also on a spherical surface. The sampling scheme is also applied to ray tracing, with a significant improvement in error.,2008-08-29 16:15:54,下载15次
superflow.zip - 另外一个二维流体模拟的源码。好像使用了nvidia最新的显卡编程语言CUDA实现。,2008-08-29 16:12:51,下载74次
Fluids.rar - 利用图形处理器实现实时二维流体的模拟,使用准拉格朗日法求解流体方程。,2008-08-29 16:07:35,下载28次
LUGPU1.0.zip - 使用GPU的强大并行计算能力来实现稠密矩阵的LU分解计算。,2008-08-29 15:54:11,下载43次

