
注册日期:2008-09-20 08:47:48

上传列表 - Introduction to DirectDraw and Surface Blitting,2010-08-14 18:55:35,下载6次
DirectDraw_VB.rar - 讲述如何在VB DirectDraw中贴图,2010-08-14 18:33:33,下载13次 - BASS is an audio library for use in Windows and Mac OSX software. Its purpose is to provide developers with powerful and efficient sample, stream (MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WAV, AIFF, custom generated, and more via add-ons), MOD music (XM, IT, S3M, MOD, MTM, UMX), MO3 music (MP3/OGG compressed MODs), and recording functions. All in a tiny DLL, under 100KB* in size. On Windows, BASS requires DirectX 3 or above for output, and takes advantage of DirectSound and DirectSound3D hardware accelerated drivers, when available. On OSX, BASS uses CoreAudio for output, and OSX 10.3 or above is recommended. Both PowerPC and Intel Macs are supported. C/C++, Delphi, Visual Basic, and MASM APIs are provided, with several examples to get you started. .Net and other APIs are also available. BASS is also available for the Win64, WinCE, Linux, and iPhone platforms. ,2010-06-26 12:48:54,下载10次
chat_application_in_network.rar - 网络聊天的简单程序,简单实现客户端/服务器端的登录接受等功能。,2008-09-20 10:05:46,下载7次
resize_control_with_Dlg.rar - 对Control随Dialog缩放地功能,本程序在VC6.0编译通过 本程序仅供学习之用,请在现在后24个小时后删除。,2008-09-20 09:55:44,下载12次
cbuttonst.rar - 对button功能的扩展,本程序在VC6.0编译通过 本程序仅供学习之用,请在现在后24个小时后删除。,2008-09-20 09:52:15,下载46次
QQ2004_application_program.rar - 类QQ功能,本程序在VC6.0编译通过 本程序仅供学习之用,请在现在后24个小时后删除.,2008-09-20 09:45:10,下载44次
MFC_CSocket.rar - MFC下CSocket编程例子,包含client和server端。,2008-09-20 09:39:03,下载209次

