
注册日期:2008-09-21 15:45:21

dhtmledit.rar - Lotus Notes开发用的在线DHTML编辑器,基于Active X control 1. This rich text editor is based on the editor used in an older sandbox posting I found. The majority of this code was NOT written by me. Credit goes to someone at Lotus (I think) for the original code. I only extended the base code to add more features, such as cut/copy/paste and adding tables. 2. This editor is based on an Active X control, so it will only work in Internet Explorer. I tested this in IE 5.5, but I think it should would in IE 5.x The Active X control is marked "safe for scripting" and should not trigger a warning from your browser about unsafe content. ,2008-11-04 22:45:13,下载10次
install.zip - Lotus Notes应用安装是个麻烦问题 特别是在库文件很多时 这个工具可以帮你忙 老外写的 以前常用 This is a database installer that I created for installing large numbers of databases. It is functional and you can create profiles for your laptop and desktop users based on their department. It makes it really easy to setup new machines especially if you have a larger number of databases to roll out. It s not all that pretty but feel free to play around with it.,2008-11-04 22:38:31,下载9次
dmenu.zip - Lotus Notes开发组件模板库 弹出窗口菜单选择 用于B/S结构开发,也可以用Notes直接打开后点视图SelectMenu,可以看效果 This is a simple to use application that allows you to create different types of Dynamic menus for your Domino Web Applications. This application uses XML, XSLT and client side JavaScript to generate the dynamic menus. The caveat being that it is available only for Internet Explorer 5.0 and above web browsers.,2008-11-04 22:32:17,下载19次
zgxq.rar - 本人机对弈程序采用了多种搜索算法.以下是本程序主要的类说明: 1.CEveluation类:估值类,对给定的棋盘进行估值. 2.CMoveGenerator类:走法产生器,对给定的棋盘局面搜索出所有可能的走法. 3.CSearchEngine类:搜索引擎基类. 4.CNegaMaxEngine类:负极大值法搜索引擎. 5.CAlphaBetaEngine类:采用了Alpha-Beta剪枝技术的搜索引擎. 6.CFAlphaBetaEngine类:fail-softalpha-beta搜索引擎. 7.CHistoryHeuristic类:历史启发类. 8.CAlphabeta_HHEngine类:带历史启发的Alpha-Beta搜索引擎. 9.CAspirationSearch类:渴望搜索引擎. 10.CIDAlphabetaEngine类:迭代深化搜索引擎. 11.CMTD_fEngine类:MTD(f)搜索引擎. 12.CTranspositionTable类:置换表. 13.CAlphaBeta_TTEngine类:加置换表的Alpha-Beta搜索引擎. 14.CPVS_Engine类:极小窗口搜索引擎. 15.CNegaScout_TT_HH类:使用了置换表和历史启发的NegaScout搜索引擎. 本程序具有悔棋,还原功能,可以记录走法,还可以进行布局.,2008-11-04 22:17:29,下载4次
superCalendar.rar - 源码主文件是calendar.pbl 可以直接用开发基于日历界面的应用,显著改善powerbuilder给人界面刻板的印象 内附详细说明:calendar_docs.htm 不需要饿翻译了吧 很好用的 例子在:calendar_exampleapp.pbl,2008-11-04 22:09:28,下载52次

