
注册日期:2008-10-20 22:46:00

bss_eval.rar - blind source separation,2010-12-13 20:10:56,下载7次
ProbabilityandStochastics.rar - Probability and Stochastics蒙特卡洛算法等,2009-11-18 18:47:48,下载10次
BilinearSystems.rar - concerned with the blind identi cation of bilinear systems excited by higher-order white noise. Un- like prior work that restricted the bilinear system model to simple forms and required the excitation to be Gaussian dis- tributed, the results of this paper are applicable to a more general class of bilinear systems and for the case when the excitation is non-Gaussian. We describe an estimation pro- cedure for the computation of the system parameters using output cumulants of order less than four.,2009-05-26 22:19:50,下载18次
SVM_toolbox_collection.rar - SVM工具箱集锦,希望对大家有帮助,SVM现在发展很快啊!,2008-12-30 11:12:31,下载151次
bound-constrained_SVM.rar - bound-constrained SVM,2008-11-13 16:40:40,下载4次
FuzzyControlandMATLAB.rar - 模糊控制及其MATLAB应用(张国良2002),2008-11-13 16:36:07,下载5次
ychen_jasp_software.zip - MATLAB Code for Optimal Quincunx Filter Bank Design Yi Chen July 17, 2006 This file introduces the MATLAB code that implements the two algorithms (i.e., Algorithms 1 and 2 in [1], or Algorithms 4.1 and 4.2 in [2]) used for the construction of quincunx filter banks with perfect reconstruction, linear phase, high coding gain, certain vanishing moments properties, and good frequency selectivity. The code can be used to design quincunx filter banks with two, three, or four lifting steps. The SeDuMi Matlab toolbox [3] is used to solve the second-order cone programming subproblems in the two algorithms, and must be installed in order for this code to work.,2008-11-13 16:20:14,下载79次
FuzzyControlandMATLAB(Zhangguoliang2002).rar - 模糊控制及其MATLAB应用(张国良),该书对模糊控制讲解很详细,并有matlab代码,可供从事控制的专家参考。 说明:本书只用于学术研究,用到该书,必须引用该书,尊重他人的劳动成果。,2008-10-20 23:05:12,下载58次
noveltydetection.rar - novelty detection是一种新颖性方法,上传了几篇重要文献,希望对大家有用,2008-10-20 22:56:02,下载10次

