
注册日期:2008-12-01 22:44:47

LockScreen.rar - 锁屏软件源码,可以锁住所以的操作,只有输入密码后才能解锁,界面很漂亮,2012-07-16 14:53:06,下载11次
SenderEmail.rar - 很厉害的群发软件,虚拟邮箱,不需要登录发送方账号,支持多种邮箱发送,2012-06-29 10:24:39,下载13次
WTL.rar - wtl基础技术的学习教程,对于入门者是不错才学习资料,2012-05-29 15:16:44,下载10次
bianliwangyeyuansu.rar - 遍历网页元素然后输出,对于想控制网页的有帮助,含有可运行文件,2012-03-02 09:43:46,下载24次
TaskMgrsource.rar - windows 任务管理器源代码,可供学校者使用,使用Visual C++编写,2011-12-21 10:52:27,下载66次
opensslsource.rar - Openssl 是一个功能丰富且自包含的开源安全工具箱。它提供的主要功能有: SSL 协议实现(包括SSLv2、SSLv3 和TLSv1)、大量软算法(对称/非对称/摘要)、 大数运算、非对称算法密钥生成、ASN.1 编解码库、证书请求(PKCS10)编解码、 数字证书编解码、CRL 编解码、OCSP 协议、数字证书验证、PKCS7 标准实现 和PKCS12 个人数字证书格式实现等功能。 Openssl 采用C语言作为开发语言,这使得它具有优秀的跨平台性能。Openssl 支持Linux、UNIX、windows、Mac 等平台。openssl 目前最新的版本是0.9.8e. OpenSSL 整个软件包大概可以分成三个主要的功能部分:密码算法库、SSL 协 议库以及应用程序。OpenSSL 的目录结构自然也是围绕这三个功能部分进行规 划的。,2011-12-21 10:23:50,下载12次
WhatHash.zip - 求字符串或者文件的hash值,采用MD5 算法,可以直接编译运行,2011-11-08 16:47:27,下载2次
process-communication.rar - 两个进程之间的通信,使用MFC的WM_COPYDATA方式来编程,内含exe文件,可以直接运行,2011-11-08 16:44:01,下载23次
TCPIP.rar - TCP/IP协议的详细介绍,对于了解工作原理和过程有很大的帮助,2011-10-14 13:42:32,下载8次
DriverDevelopment.rar - Windows驱动开发技术详解(pdf书+源代码),对于初学驱动开发来说是不错的选择,2011-10-14 13:26:52,下载64次
mnpti.rar - Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT,2008-12-01 23:13:16,下载2次
CODE.rar - Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT,2008-12-01 23:11:19,下载1次
071112qqkjpjwsed.rar - Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT,2008-12-01 23:09:35,下载2次
20081111274782983.rar - Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT,2008-12-01 23:07:35,下载2次
dqq.rar - Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT,2008-12-01 23:06:54,下载1次
79200812541-1.rar - Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT,2008-12-01 22:49:06,下载1次

