
注册日期:2008-12-21 00:35:48

Exif2-2.rar - This standard specifies the formats to be used for images, sound and tags in digital still cameras and in other systems handling the image and sound files recorded by digital still cameras. NOTE-Reference documents that are indispensable for this standard are listed as Normative References in this document. ,2010-01-17 15:28:24,下载2次
ArcSoft_Smile_Detection_Developer_Guide.rar - This document provides a description for ArcSoft Automatic Smile Detection library. This library provides This document provides a description for ArcSoft Automatic Smile Detection library. This library provides ,2010-01-17 15:20:55,下载10次
2005041408383314864.rar - 嵌入式系统的实时开发—嵌入式系统的实时开发-嵌入式系统的实时开发-嵌入式系统的实时开发,2010-01-17 15:20:14,下载6次
keyprocess.rar - 按键处理,可以说,是做单片机的朋友的一项必须掌握的基本功。在本文中,匠人将试 对按键的检测及处理做一些肤浅的分析,权当是给新手扫盲。如果您是高手,请跳过此文,,2010-01-17 15:16:50,下载1次
AML_IC.rar - 1 Introduction The AML7228 A/V processor is a complete integrated system targeting all types of Audio/Video decoder applications that provide connectivity to hard disk, digital camera, memory cards and other external digital consumer devices. The target market for AML7228 A/V processor is LCD TVs and portable media players. ,2010-01-17 15:10:36,下载8次
card.rar - 存储卡技术详细说明和讲解.pdf存储卡技术详细说明和讲解.pdf存储卡技术详细说明和讲解.pdf存储卡技术详细说明和讲解.pdf,2010-01-17 15:08:05,下载2次

Allwinner_H3_Datasheet_V1.2.rar - 全志H3数据手册,Allwinner_H3_Datasheet_V1.2.pdf
compat-wireless-3.5.4-1-update.tar.gz - 高通 AR1021 Linux 3.10 以上驱动,在Uubuntu 12.04 测试通过的版本。
RTD2556-CG_Brief.zip - Realtek RTD2556 Spec, RTD2556 is a FHD eDP scalar;
