
注册日期:2009-02-16 12:18:02

FR_Project_ORL.rar - A face recognition project written in python programming. It use svm and logistic regression to classify the faces as simple face, face with glasses and gender recognition. Small ORL dataset shows promising results.,2020-08-23 08:57:58,下载11次
FaceSwap_Python.rar - An OpenCV program written in Python that swap the faces from two given images. Landmarks points are calculated to swap the face parts.,2020-08-11 16:45:55,下载0次
ReconstructFaceUsingEigenFaces.rar - This code reconstructs the faces from the eigenface and shows the accuracy of constructed faces.,2020-02-21 06:02:48,下载0次
EigenFace.rar - This code shows the visualization of eignenface. GUI is used to slide the different values and see the results.,2020-02-21 06:01:12,下载1次
NonPhotorealisticRendering.rar - This code different non photorealistic effect on photo. OpenCV and Python is used to implement in Jupyter environment.,2020-02-21 05:59:03,下载0次
TheWellmeadowsHospitalcaseStudy.rar - The wellmeadows hospital case to create an ER diagram. Complete solution for database course.,2020-02-07 06:36:37,下载0次
Object Recognition.rar - The convolutional neural network obtained state-of-the-art performance at object recognition on the CIFAR-10 image dataset in 2015. This model using Keras, a high-level neural network application programming interface (API).,2020-02-05 22:20:45,下载1次
CMC_python.rar - Simple python code to plot the CMC (cummulative match characteristics) curve. The jupyter notebook demo shows the use of cmc.py file.,2020-02-03 13:48:33,下载1次
Face_Augmentation.rar - Current machine learning algorithms required extensive data to train the model. This code can generate augmented images of any single image.,2020-02-03 13:18:54,下载0次
svm-vs-mlp-face-recognition.rar - A Comparison between SVM and MLP in terms of Accuracy, Training time and recognition time of faces from LFW Face Dataset.,2020-02-03 06:13:45,下载0次
Face-Recognition-using-PCA-and-LDA.rar - This repository includes implementation of Face Recognition techniques using prominent linear transformation techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA).,2020-02-03 05:55:09,下载1次
CNN_Face_Recog_ORL_dataset.rar - Face recognition using convolutional neural network (CNN) using ORL dataset.,2020-02-03 05:05:18,下载5次
3D_Bicycle_CG_OpenGL.zip - This is a computer graphics case study for 3D model creation in Opengl. It covers all features of graphics concepts likes (Transformation, Camera, Projection, Animation). A good stuff for computer graphics students.,2020-02-03 05:05:06,下载1次
Face-recognition-via-Machine-Learning.rar - The project contains classic pure ML (no CV/DL use) algorithms and models such as PCA, SVM, Regression, etc. In order to train a model we must obtain the right data, luckily we have the AT&T Faces Database.,2020-02-01 06:00:03,下载0次
Face-Recognition-yale.rar - Face recognition is applied on Yale data set in Jupyter notebook. Fundamental learning for computer vision students.,2020-02-01 05:56:35,下载0次
ORL-Face-Recognition.rar - Face recognition development in Jupyter notebook. Fundamental learning for computer vision students.,2020-02-01 05:54:14,下载0次
Faces-In-The-Wild-Unsupervised-Learning.rar - Face Image clustering is an unsupervised learning in Jupyter notebook. Fundamental learning for computer vision students.,2020-02-01 05:52:29,下载0次
library-information-system.zip - This is java desktop application for Library System development. ,2012-07-28 15:35:43,下载2次
Nazim.zip - This is netbeans project with Oracle database connection. Simple Example to learn about database connectivity of java and oracle.,2011-03-31 15:21:53,下载7次
Autobots3D.rar - This is an application of 3D computer graphics designed using JOGL and Netbeans IDE. This loads the .obj and .mtl files in a 3D Scene. Good stuff for 3D computer graphics learners.,2010-07-19 10:47:18,下载15次
JOGLLesson04Material.zip - The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 4: The fourth lesson covers materials that we can use to spice up our scene. Different materials are presented and explained their use. Credit goes to http://www.jogl.info,2009-10-28 10:14:01,下载9次
JOGLLesson03Lighting.zip - The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 3: The third lesson we learn about the lights.We treat different types of lights and how to generate one. Then we use this to our scene to light. Credit goes to http://www.jogl.info ,2009-10-28 10:13:28,下载13次
JOGLLesson02ExamplePrimitivesWithGLUT.zip - The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 2: The second lesson deals with the production of geometric primitives with GLU and GLUT. Credit goes to http://www.jogl.info,2009-10-28 10:09:17,下载10次
JOGLLesson01SampleWindow.zip - The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 1: In this lesson, the basic components of a JOGL program explained. Window production and camera positioning means gluLookAt () are explained. In addition,we create the basis for our example GL_QUADS scene. Credit goes to http://www.jogl.info,2009-10-28 10:07:21,下载14次
SpaceInvadersCode.zip - A remake of the classic game of Space Invaders is included. This game is used to explore a number of issues surrounding game design and implementation.,2009-09-04 10:16:08,下载8次
ZoMA.rar - ZoMA (Zen of Mouse Aiming) is one of two larger example projects contained within the code repository. The game involves testing and measuring the player’s mouse reaction, aiming and tracking skills. From an educational point of view, the code hopefully provides some examples of GUI construction and illustrates a design that facilitates the introduction of new test types. This project is created using Netbeans.,2009-09-04 10:12:58,下载7次
VideoRentalStoreSampleApp.zip - This is a complete but simple application of Video rental system written in java. It uses GUI and MS-Access database to rent and return a video. Best example for undergraduate students.,2009-04-30 09:31:03,下载10次
JTreeExample.rar - A Simple JTreeExample that shows the use of JTree and JTable in java Application,2009-03-23 15:16:48,下载34次
Dog.rar - A Genetic Algorithm finding Strings. Enter any Word it will search this string using fitness function as target string.,2009-03-23 15:10:38,下载7次
aMazeProject.rar - This is a simple Maze Game developed in Java using Netbeans environment.,2009-02-17 17:51:32,下载9次
Cards.rar - Genetic Algorithm example using Java You have 10 cards numbered 1 to 10. You have to divide them into 2 piles so that: The sum of the first pile is as close as possible to 36 and the product of all in second pile is as close as poss to 360. ,2009-02-16 12:26:38,下载5次

yuanma.rar - 对于PCA ,LDA,BIC,EBGM都有很详细的代码。但是需要在LINUX下配置运行。不过代码较有参考价值。
how-to-read.rar - 讨论研究生应该如何做好科研的一篇文章 写的很深刻 值得一读 
alchemy.tar.gz - Alchemy: a tool in c++ for markov logic network inference, parameter learning and structure learning
标准英语写作 从中式英语到地道英语.rar - 关于英文论文写作的基础书,很基础,可以日常看看纠正语法
shumoxiezuo.rar - 数模写作的基本要求,能很好的帮助你了解数模论文的写作要求,取得好成绩
GA-PSO-hybrid-master.rar - GA-PSO-hybrid-master
prototype2.zip - tif批量转存为jpg的ipynb文件 Input为输入路径 Output为输出路径
arRecByEulidDist.rar - 利用欧氏距离测试ar人脸数据库,该处的数据库经过了PCA降维处理; 训练样本为共计100个人的700幅图像降维数据 仅供参考,和交流之用。
FERET.rar - 用于人脸识别的、完整的、FERET人脸数据库
MPCASourceCode.rar - The matlab codes provided here implement two algorithms multilinear principal component analysis to run the face recognition using FERET database.
AR.rar - AR face database which contains 100 persons, each person has 26 gray and cropped images
PCAofAR.rar - 利用PCA对AR人脸数据库进行人脸识别,经典的pca算法,书写规范,简洁易懂。
Sparse_ar.rar - sparsity preserving projections (SPP)方法,根据论文《sparsity preserving projections with applications to face recognition》使用AR人脸数据库
AR.rar - ar人脸数据库,经典的人脸库,用于人脸检测与识别。
AR_database.zip - AR人脸库zip的调用格式,可以直接运用到程序中,很实用哦
AR.rar - AR人脸库,常用的人脸识别人脸库,可以运用于很多算法的测试
ar_PCA.zip - 基于AR库的PCA人脸识别程序,AR库文件已经编入mat文件,不需要额外下载人脸库
AR-peopel-faces-5Train.rar - LDA的实验在AR人脸库上的实现,5个人脸库
facerecognition_guide-master.zip - 基于Python的人脸检测与识别系统,用了特征脸方法和FisherFaces方法,都是业内最基础最经典的方案。
PCA-facerecognize.zip - 利用主成分分析(PCA)实现对人脸特征的降维,然后利用最近邻实现人脸识别
