
注册日期:2009-02-26 18:02:58

Pro_C_2008_and_the_NET_3_5_Platform_Fourth_Editio - Pro C# 2008 and the NET 3.5 Platform Fourth Edition source code,2009-02-26 22:12:43,下载3次
Programming.NET3.5.zip - O Reilly Programming .NET 3.5 source code Build N-Tier Applications with WPF, AJAX, Silverlight, LINQ, WCF and more,2009-02-26 20:18:11,下载36次
ProgCSharp5eSource.zip - O Reilly Programming C# 3.0, Fifth Edition source code tutorial code for beginning to intermediate programmers covers C# 3.0 and the newest .NET platform for developing Windows and web applications. ,2009-02-26 19:53:01,下载3次
HeadFirstCsharpCode.zip - Head First C# Source code [2007-11] Head First C# is a complete learning experience for object-oriented programming, C#, and the Visual Studio IDE. Built for your brain, this book covers C# 3.0 and Visual Studio 2008, and teaches everything from language fundamentals to advanced topics including garbage collection, extension methods, and double-buffered animation. You ll also master C# s hottest and newest syntax, LINQ, for querying SQL databases, .NET collections, and XML documents. By the time you re through, you ll be a proficient C# programmer, designing and coding large-scale applications.,2009-02-26 19:45:53,下载21次
CS_Bible.rar - C# Bible source code 100 comprehensive, the C# Bible will have even beginning programmers up and running with Microsoft s new C# language quickly and easily. But this title does not stop at just presenting the C# language - it teaches practical application development in the new .NET Framework. Starting at ground zero, readers will benefit from veteran developer Jeff Ferguson s insight into topics that include: * Background of C# * .NET concepts * Defining data with variables * Building containers with arrays * Writing expressions and statements * Object Oriented Programming with C# * Maintaining state with fields * Defining behavior with methods * Building WinForm and WebFom applications * Using C# in ASP.NET * Working with COM ,2009-02-26 18:13:55,下载1次

