
注册日期:2009-03-01 18:43:20

Sketches_AUG_05.rar - start os for mini2440,2014-10-15 10:54:01,下载3次
Image-Rectification.rar - rectification of stereo images using stereovision,2014-08-21 00:40:30,下载23次
Fundamentals_Wireless_Communication_chapter5.rar - performance of channel capacity in wireless communication systems,2014-08-21 00:34:58,下载5次
nir-theraphy.zip - Nir Theraphy technique full description,2014-02-18 12:47:31,下载2次
Wavelet.rar - WAVELET CODING FOR IMAGE,2013-12-23 00:45:40,下载7次
reed_solomon_code.rar - reed solomon code polynominal generation,2013-12-23 00:41:10,下载13次
639521main_EMI-EMC_User_Test_Planning_Guide.rar - EMI/EMC user testing plan,2013-10-22 12:37:39,下载1次
DSP.rar - ECG data compression by using DCT, FFT , DST and DCT2,2013-08-11 15:32:27,下载12次
matlab.zip - These are some basics related to matlab,2013-08-11 15:15:11,下载2次
46991080RayleighFadingSimulation.rar - rayleigh fading channelmodel,2013-04-30 02:13:00,下载5次
code.rar - multipath channel modelling,2013-04-30 02:08:30,下载10次
mp3.rar - mp3 player using mma700 accelometer,2013-04-30 02:03:58,下载1次
bus-module.rar - BUS MODULE T DESCRIPTION AND RELATED DOCUMENTSPROJEC,2013-03-18 14:04:35,下载3次
thermal-management.zip - e-book for Thermal management ,2012-12-18 20:12:11,下载2次
LinuxManualEmbeddedprogramming.rar - Linux Manual E-book for beginners,2012-09-25 13:49:37,下载3次
heart_rate_meter.rar - Heart Beat Monitoring,2012-09-25 13:45:55,下载3次
eigenfaces_msc_thesis.rar - eigen faces thesis....,2009-11-23 16:22:20,下载5次
zhou03cviu.rar - thesis on face recognition,2009-11-23 16:19:48,下载6次
NRC-48216.rar - Pca based face reco algorithm,2009-11-23 16:16:41,下载4次
moon_perception.rar - eigen faces construction,2009-11-23 16:14:18,下载4次
eusipco05.rar - thesis about 3d face,2009-11-23 16:10:17,下载27次
c++material.zip - A complete guide to learn C++,2009-03-05 01:50:58,下载1次
SmartCard.zip - A short discription for smart card technology,2009-03-05 01:41:24,下载14次
AESSTANDARD.zip - Advanced Encryption Standard,2009-03-05 01:38:54,下载2次
modellingwirelessprotocols.zip - Modeling Wireless Protocols ,2009-03-05 01:35:09,下载1次
wirelessapplications.zip - Designing Wireless Protocols Methodology and Applications,2009-03-05 01:28:39,下载1次

