
注册日期:2009-03-03 16:09:10

Windows.rar - Windows FAQ Common Controls FAQ The contents of this documents have been adapted from the Microsoft documentation. The motivation is that the current win32.hlp file doesn’t reflect the enormous changes that has undergone the common controls API, what needs an urgent update. While waiting for Microsoft to furnish an updated win32.hlp, I have considered useful for lccwin32s users to furnish some of the documentation provided by Microsoft.,2009-06-21 09:43:55,下载3次
ACMpapers.rar - 解决动态统计问题的两把利刃 线段树的应用,2009-06-21 09:35:25,下载6次
vcppin21days.rar - Welcome to Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days. Over the next three weeks, you will learn how to build a wide variety of applications with Microsoft’s Visual C++. What’s even better is that you will learn how to create these types of applications by actually building them yourself. As you read this book, you will be gaining actual programming experience using Visual C++. So let’s get started!,2009-06-21 09:19:35,下载7次
the_detail_of_vc_type.rar - VC数据类型详解 类型比较齐全 几乎包括了所有的比较常用的类型,2009-06-21 09:05:25,下载6次
clistctrl.rar - clist 排序总结;自己收集很总结clist 排序功能,2009-06-21 09:00:33,下载94次

