
注册日期:2009-03-04 15:53:55

上传列表 - Introduction Screen Shot has been created with Visual Basic.NET 2005. The application is user friendly and easy to use. It allows the user to capture still images from the screen and save them into the user predefined folder. I find it very useful with some music visualizations when I need to take screen shots. ,2009-03-04 17:02:08,下载2次 - This article tries to explain how to capture video and frames simultaneously. It is based on SampleGrabber program done by NETMaster and DirectX.Capture by Brian Low. The root of all of this was the amazing work of NETMaster, DirectShow.NET, SampleGrabber is just a sample application. I said amazing because I m close to understand completely the other projects or classes, but DirectShow.NET is far of my knowledge. ,2009-03-04 16:58:50,下载22次 - A Web page can load a lot faster and feel faster if the JavaScript files referenced on the page can be loaded after the visible content has been loaded and multiple JavaScript files can be batched into one download. Browsers download one external JavaScript at a time and sometimes pause rendering while a script is being downloaded and executed. This makes Web pages load and render slowly when there are multiple external JavaScript references on the page. For every JavaScript reference, the browser stops downloading and processing of any other content on the page and some browsers (like Internet Explorer 6) pause rendering while it processes the JavaScript. This gives a slow loading experience and the Web page kind of gets stuck frequently. As a result, a Web page can only load fast when there are small number of external scripts on the page and the scripts are loaded after the visible content of the page has loaded. ,2009-03-04 16:56:32,下载4次 - It is possible to create very nice web pages and you can even change the look of some form controls using CSS (for example, it is possible to change the look of textboxes and buttons), but there is no way to change the look of checkboxes and radio buttons. This article describes two custom controls with the same functionality as standard ASP.NET CheckBox and RadioButton and with properties that allow you to change the design of the controls using images. Another way of how to use controls like these is when you want to place an icon with checkbox functionality on your web page for example, I wanted to mark some data as hidden, so I used checkbox control with lock and stricken lock icons,2009-03-04 16:52:13,下载5次 - Introduction Sometimes you may collide with the following problem: a third-party binary component or control embedded into your application displays windows (usually message boxes) that hang your code until they are closed. If you do not have the source code of this binary and one does not have a good API to change one’s bad behaviour programmatically, it can be a real headache using the one. A famous example of such a binary is the WebBrowser control in .NET. ,2009-03-04 16:49:21,下载7次 - In an ASP.NET application, it is very easy to pass session data from one web page to another. For example, the following code stores three pieces of data of an internet session using the .NET web session provided by the .NET framework: ,2009-03-04 16:27:20,下载30次
student_management_system_csharp2005.rar - 学生管理系统Csharp2005 学生管理系统Csharp2005 学生管理系统Csharp2005,2009-03-04 16:01:21,下载40次

