
注册日期:2009-03-10 01:29:36

buck.rar - Its an model for buck converter input volatge is around 96volt and out put voltage is around 12Volts. typically used in telecommunication industries. ,2009-11-29 14:19:01,下载40次
inverter_model_ffts.rar - lower frequency inverter,2009-09-18 01:19:34,下载5次
base.rar - simulation of wind generation system,2009-09-18 00:16:16,下载37次
tur.rar - simulation of power generator,2009-09-17 23:50:26,下载12次
u_trial.rar - Control of induction generator,2009-09-17 23:48:46,下载92次
inductio_speed.rar - this file show the simulation of induction speed,2009-09-17 23:46:56,下载7次
machine_model.rar - thia file shows the simulation of induction genrator,2009-09-17 23:44:36,下载12次
full_controlled_single_phase_rectifier_waveforms_ - full wave rectifierDuring the period from 伪 to 蟺, the input voltage vs input current is are positive and the power flows from supply to the load. The converter is said to be operated at rectification mode .During the period from 蟺 to 蟺+伪 , the input voltage vs is negative and the input current is is positive and reverse power flows from load to the supply. The converter is said to be operated in inversion mode. Depending on the value of 伪, average output voltage can be either positive or negative and hence provides 2 quadrant operation. ,2009-03-10 01:35:16,下载9次

direct_torque_control.rar - matlab simulation of dtc fed im
pe_hv_battery_charge_discharge.rar - 这个例子展示了高压电池,如混合动力汽车中使用的电池。该模型使用一个现实的直流链路电流配置文件,它源于一个动态的驾驶周期。总模拟时间为3600秒。
工况预测初步.zip - 基于马尔科夫链的工况预测,包含多个标准工况的数据
