
注册日期:2009-03-10 23:19:42

上传列表 - FileManager is a Delphi component that serves as a file manager for your application. Imagine a simple text editor. If the edited text is dirty (modified), prior to close or create a new text editor, it must ask user a filename in which it can save the text, or it saves without asking the filename if the text is saved before. There s also a sub menu (usually under File menu) that contains most recent files (MRU), that if user click on it, will launch the file. Of course it will ask to save current edited text prior to opening the file. This seems to be a simple task, but believe me, it can be confusing. This component can handle all the above tasks seamlessly. It will save you lot of time, and is very easy to use. It is used extensively in all my programs, and so far so good. ,2010-08-25 20:05:58,下载12次 - NicePreview is a Delphi component that aimed to be an easy-to-use print preview control. This is a shortcut to add a sophisticated print preview and off course printing feature to your application, bypassing a nitty-gritty screen-printer dpi (dot per inch) issue. All you have to do is dropping the component and write some routines to paint on it like an ordinary screen canvas (96 dpi by default). Yes, it uses screen dpi, not printer s. So you don t have to worry about converting them to different dpi of printer. All in pixel coordinate. NicePreview will not be notified when printer configurations change. So you have to call ReadPrinterConfig method after executing TPrinterSetupDialog or TPrintDialog, and redraw all pages to reflect the changes. Seems complicated, but trust me, it s not difficult. See demo project included. ,2010-08-25 20:03:46,下载10次 - Once I need a chart component that can shows interpolated lines for one of my project. I don t need a sophisticated full-featured chart, I just need a simple one with basic functionalities. Don t find a way to do it with standard Delphi TChart component, I decided to write my own. Currently it has three graph styles: lines, smooth lines with B-Splines, and bars. It has multilined title, legend, automatic y-axis, and supports multiple series. It also can produce a monochrome version of the graph using monochromatic brushes. Those features are sufficient for my programming needs. I learned a lot from creating this component. I learned the algorithm to pick axis value range that are aligned to zero from an arbitrary set of values. I also learned some linear interpolation algoritms, although currently only B-splines that is accomodated in this component. And finally I understand why there s only a handful chart component out there.,2010-08-25 19:56:14,下载10次 - NiceGallery is a visual control that can display several images, scroll them left and right, and can accept click event for each image. This component mimics the one I found in Microsoft Encarta? This component can be used as a menu or simply as an eye-candy for your application. Everybody loves eye-candy. ,2010-08-25 19:52:19,下载6次 - NiceSideBar is a visual component for Delphi that can be used as a menu. It mimics side menu that usually used in websites. It has flat design and highly customizable. It supports two menu levels (menu and sub menu). Each menu can have a glyph that is supplied by an image list. It has hover state effect too.,2010-08-25 19:49:16,下载6次
A_Profess+keylogger.rar - professional keylogger source code by delphi,2009-04-09 20:54:31,下载58次 - delphi process unit to convert and get handle,pid,write process,read,...,2009-04-08 22:12:46,下载3次 - explorer exe in c++.................,2009-04-08 16:23:05,下载2次 - sample virus with infection.,2009-04-07 21:55:08,下载8次

