
注册日期:2009-03-13 22:00:32

2013-SW-questions-ErikLee.rar - 2013年校园招聘嵌入式软件工程师笔试面试题,2013-11-29 21:36:16,下载10次
STM32---NVIC.rar - STM32的NVIC中断优先级抢占实验,使用MDK编程,内带固件库。,2012-10-24 20:10:43,下载10次
STM32---LED.rar - STM32单片机实现8位数码管动态显示,使用了我自己编写的驱动。,2012-10-24 20:07:35,下载57次
Analog-Filters-Using-MATLAB--2009.rar - Analog Filters Using MATLAB, 2009 很好的一本模电书,详尽描述了用Matlab设计模拟滤波器的方法,没有深奥的数学,非常棒!,2012-05-29 21:37:20,下载6次
Machao_AVR_Source.rar - 《AVR嵌入式系统原理与应用实践》的源代码,经典中的经典,学习AVR单片机必备。,2012-04-07 18:55:36,下载4次
AVR_Source.rar - 《深入浅出AVR单片机》的源代码,工程化的书写风格值得学习。,2012-04-07 18:52:38,下载8次
Starting.Out.with.Python.rar - Welcome to Starting Out with Python, Second Edition. This book uses the Python language to teach programming concepts and problem-solving skills, without assuming any previous programming experience. With easy-to-understand examples, pseudocode, flowcharts, and other tools, the student learns how to design the logic of programs and then implement those programs using Python. This book is ideal for an introductory programming course or a programming logic and design course using Python as the language.,2012-04-07 18:46:32,下载3次
Model-Structure-Guidelines.rar - This paper is designed to support users of the Rational Software Architect (RSA), Rational Systems Developer (RSD) and Rational Software Modeler (RSM) products (collectively “RSx”), especially those who are interested in applying the modeling guidance found in the Rational Unified Process (RUP® ) to their use of RSx. If you are a user of Rational Software Modeler (RSM) you will find the paper useful but should be aware that some sections reflect capabilities available only in RSA and RSD. ,2012-04-07 18:39:36,下载4次
C-Language-deeply-Analyse.rar - C语言深度剖析,讲解了很多C语言工程经验,非常实用,读来可以加深对C语言应用的能力。,2012-04-07 18:37:26,下载2次
HTree.rar - 使用递归算法实现H树,并有GUI界面,最大可画到10阶H树(可修改),2012-04-07 18:33:48,下载1次
TicTacToe.rar - 用α-β剪枝实现井字棋算法,并有GUI界面,2012-04-07 18:31:28,下载23次
LEDMatrix_74HC595.rar - 基于Atmega8,使用74HC595串行扩展IO口,2010-01-10 22:45:40,下载35次

