
注册日期:2009-03-19 03:19:16

bmp_parser_.zip - this program reads data from a bmp file and shows the bitmap info and file header information s on a console window. it also reads the raw bitmap array. so you can use it on opengl or anywhere you need a bmp reader.,2009-03-19 14:30:54,下载6次
Pngwriter.zip - PNG writer sample.. this file generates a png file... using data on the program memory. you can use this code for writing a image raw data to disc as png file. or screen or any data you want to.,2009-03-19 05:50:30,下载17次
C_Parser_training.zip - this program can detect well known tags in c/c++. its not a completely full c parser but it has the main idea about how to parse/analyze code . ,2009-03-19 05:35:51,下载4次
high-precission-3D-ANALOG-CLOCK.zip - this is a high precission 3d analog clock. written in g++ . it designed for windows but it can work on linux with a lot of modifications. works fine with wine. ,2009-03-19 05:08:17,下载6次
restore_line_numbers.zip - this program simply removes the line numbers from files. this is useful for pages downloaded from web which contains line numbers. so for make the code work we have to remove line numbers. and this program does this work.,2009-03-19 04:30:50,下载3次
avi_encoder.zip - encodes avi file format package tags. it can recognize most of riff formats. so can read also wave files too. which uses riff tag structure.,2009-03-19 03:23:57,下载13次

